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Pimp my Disco

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Befo, Sun 29 Sep, 2019 7:34 PM
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     –  Last edited by Befo; Sun 29 Sep, 2019 8:11 PM.
    Now that I have Mirror Zar (Sci guy) leveled, I need help with his ship build. I am flying the Crossfield-class Science Spearhead. I am thinking of using a Phased Polaron Beam Array (2 front, one rear), a Phased Polaron Dual Beam Bank (front), a Borg kinetic 360 (rear) and a pair of Plasma Torpedos (front and rear, borg and romulan). My goal for the ship is to debuff and drain enemies and deal a lot of science-based DPS. I know I'll be using Grav Well 3 and probably THY for the Plasma torps. I'm also considering using the Vaadwaur Cluster Torp, since launching that into the Grav Well looks like it would be a lot of fun, doing massive damage to several targets with a chance to disable them. I have a couple of neutronium eng consoles for defense, the Lorca console, and a few other random stuff I've gotten through leveling. I have quite a few c-store ships from back in the day that have consoles I could grab, if they would help this build. I think currently I have the point defense console, but it doesn't seem that great. I plan to add the borg console and rommie console that goes with the torps. I'm currently using the Dyson sci set with a Reman shield vanity (probably add Borg deflector vanity as well).

    I am pretty unfamiliar with any sets that have come out the past few years, and I know little about what BOff abilities to use. DOff recomendations would be welcome as well (planning on at least a few torp doffs). I'm also pretty unaware of what Intel or Temporal BOff goodies I can use.

    Right now, my Drain expertise is at 193, Control at 122, Exotic is at 188.

    Someone in UFP chat was nice enough to give me some good pointers on a build, but like the big dummy I am, I didn't write it down...

    EDIT: Oh yeah, is there anyway to add a Cloaking Device or a Hanger to this thing?

    Space Janitor, Junior Grade
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    As a science vessel and a science toon you've got quite a unique way to play available to you.

    One of the major differences is that a LOT of you boff abilities do direct damage to enemies, unlike Eng or Tac where we rely on the actual weapons of the ship to transfer that damage.
    So you've got a lot at your disposal before you even start to think about weapons which is actually pretty awesome!

    First thing I'd recommend is ignore energy weapons, unless you are going all in for a drain centered build that will use them to directly harm the enemy power levels, or they are part of set pieces.
    In place of energy weapons i'd go for torpedoes....all the way. This might seem mad but let me explain:

    Torps don't need energy (except for your weapon power not being at zero to allow them to actually fire) so this means you can drop that power level down to the floor right away.
    What you have now is all that lovely power jammed into only 3 systems, whereas most ships must juggle with 4 systems! This means you can stick your Aux power to maximum and still have plenty left for shields and engines.
    The flexibility you get from not needing to worry about power management in all 4 systems is refreshing.

    Second, because you are ignoring weapon power you can limit gear to stuff that helps other areas. Your weapons themselves will be torps so they really don't need anything to buff them at all......this give us all those lovely tactical console slots to use for other stuff!
    You can use all those tac console spaces to slot universal consoles that would normally be using up sci & eng console space.
    Also, you can get a warp core that transfers aux to shield/engines as you see fit, and because aux is at max you've got way more of a bonus out of that transfer mod on the core.

    For specific gear depends what you want exactly out of your science; i saw you in game talking about Grav Well; that is the go-to ability tbh soa good place to start.
    GW relies on CtrlX for the pull power (referred to as a repel value - but you'll see it has a negative sign next to it to indicate it pulls!) and on EPG for the damage component. So boosting those both sky high will be a good target to aim for.
    First place to start is in your skills, grab all 3 points for each of those skills, that gives you a base of 100 for each.
    In fact EPG affects the dmg from nearly all science abilities so it's always good to boost in nice and high.

    Sets to aim for:
    Romulan Rep 2pc (shield & engine usually is a good bet) gives a nice big EPG boost.
    Solanae deflector (from the Step Between Stars mission) has the highest EPG boost of any deflector at UR rarity.
    Temporal Spec tree at max as a chosen spec gives you +50 EPG.

    Weapons to look out for:
    Gravimetric Torp (Dyson Rep)- shot into a GW as a spread it'll pop grav rifts all over the place causing a nice vortex of death. Boosted by EPG and CtrlX as well so is the ideal sci torp.

    Particle Emission Plasma- same idea as above but sets everything on fire and slows them down too which in a GW is even more fun as they can't escape! EPG boosts the plasma cloud dmg sky high.

    Useful Gear
    Delphic Tear console - boosts exotic dmg.
    Disruption Pulse Emitter console - boosts EPG
    Your Crossfield has the Mycellium Ambush console that boosts all the major sci skills.
    From the crafting system there is the Exotic Particle Field Exciter console, can only have one but it is a big boost with the right mod (if a tad expensive)
    Again from crafting, Conductive RCS console with a science mod on it is another powerful boost.
    From the R&D Fleet holding there are a selection of sci consoles that have two sci mods on them and can have twin mods on them for many skills. Well worth a look in - fill all your sci slots apart from a space for the crafted console with these.
    SulMatuul Medals
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    Hey Befo,

    Great choice on being a space wizard its super fun! Sul above me has made a good recommendation, but I'd suggest focus on doing Exotic damage, if you're looking for a good build I'd recommend taking taking a look at Bridger's Nebula Build.

    Here are my suggestions for gear:
    • Gravimetric Torpedo Launcher [CrtD]x4 [CrtD/Dm] - Dyson Rep
    • Bajor Defense Deflector Array [EPG/HullCap] [EPG]x4 - Available from mission "Scylla and Charybdis"
    • Deteriorating Secondary Deflector [CtrlX]x2 [EPG/ShdHeal] [EPG] [SA +Dmg] - Any will do, just got to reroll the mods.
    • 2pc Temporal set - Engines and Warp Core
    • Iconian Shields - Iconian Reputation

    Since the Crossfield has access to both Intel and Temporal seating you can make good use of it for damage with exotic and weapons. I hope this helps! Big Grin
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    Indeed, Bridger's Nebula Build works exceptionally well on any science ship, my Crossfield is an engine of destruction utilizing his build.
  5. Petty Officer 3rd Class
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    Thanks for the quick advice! I'm researching this stuff now.

    I ended up buying three Phased Polaron Beam Arrays Mk XII [Acc][CrtH][Proc] before I read about the all torp build, so I might play with them for a bit. I also added the Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedo Mk XIII for fun, though I wonder if it would be better to get the blue one through replay since it comes standard with two mods already.

    For BOffs, before I start training them I've been getting advice on what to use. I figure I also need to settle on a bridge crew, so right now I'm thinking Potatohead Sci, Borg Lady Eng, then fill the rest with Rom SROs, maybe the Nausican if I can get diplo finished out. I hear good things about Krenim BOffs so I might look into that.

    Space Janitor, Junior Grade
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    Ok, you want to have a Jack of all Trades, the problem with that is you won't be able to do anything good with that ship.

    1.) Debuffing the best ship is the T6 Recluse because of the Pets and the Boff Layout and the Crossfield wont come close to it.

    2.) Drain the best ship for that is the Nebula Class and her consoles but it can be done with the Crossfield.

    3.) Exotic Damage can be done by basically every Science Ship and it is in the way the game is right now the best way to go.

    So basically your two best options with the Crossfield is Drain and Exotic Damage and I would focus on Exotic Damage.
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     –  Last edited by Befo; Wed 09 Oct, 2019 1:45 AM.
    Thanks everyone for the advice!

    I'm not really a mix/max or optimizer so I'm kind of working on a build that makes me happy while still being effective. I'm using a lot of Bridger's Nebula build (at least what I can afford at this time) and tweaking it to my liking and play style. I'm primarily exotic damage though I'm keeping the drain and debuffs handy for when I want to use em. The advice I've received here has been a TON of help, and I'm decimating grouped targets once GW3 pulls em in. Agro used to be an issue, but I beefed up my defenses a little bit with advice here and it's helped a ton. Also took some threat reduction to help.

    I'll update this in a few days once I have more of my desired gear in place, but so far it's really been fun. I'm even able to tackle some advanced TFOs for stuff I need, and that's been nice.

    I will say I wish I had known about the Mirror Crossfield before I went down this road, as that's the perfect ship for this character's RP. Anyone want to let me hold another 300 mil EC? lol (EDIT: Wow, nevermind...that thing is 1.25 billion EC!)

    Space Janitor, Junior Grade
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    A friendly bump to this to see what's come out in the past couple years that I should be looking at. Running an exotic damage build.

    Space Janitor, Junior Grade