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Bridger, Tue 22 Aug, 2017 6:27 PM
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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 15 August 2020
    Scheduled Event

    Morris (Host)

    Cure Applied, Defense of Star Base One (A), Vault: Ensnared (A), Infected: The Conduit (E), then Hektu got separated from us and did Counterpoint (A) while Pedigo and I did Attack on Terok Nor (A), and finally we did Pahvo Dissention (A)

    Special thank you to Morris and Pedigo for hosting Special Forces in my absense while I take a break. I will be posting reports on their behalf until I return from my break
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    Glad everything went well. Grats to DistantKnight on your first event.
  3. Deputy Head of Administration

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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 22 August 2020
    Scheduled Event

    Miles (Host)
    Distant Knight

    Defense of Starbase One (Adv)
    Miner Instabilities (Adv)
    ISE x2
    Brushfire mission (Adv)

    Filed on behalf of Miles. Special thanks for stepping up when Morris had to bow out! I'll be back hosting soon, see you guys soon!
  4. Deputy Head of Administration

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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 29 August 2020
    Scheduled Event

    Team: Morris (Leader), Distant Knight, Hektu, Miles, Pedigo.....Miles left before the final run, so Mesh subbed in from UFP fleet chat for the final ISE run!

    TFOs: Infected Space Elite, Battle of Procyon V Advanced (Random)...we got all of the optionals!, Battle of Korfez Elite (by special request), Herald Sphere Advanced (Random), Defense of Star Base One Advanced (Random), Infected Space Advanced (Random), Dranuur Gauntlet Elite (by special request, and we failed on the final optional...always 2 Voth City Ships at each satellite...only killed 3, I believe...needed 10!), and then a final Infected Space Elite to round things out.

    Posted on behalf of Morris. Thanks again for hosting, I'll be back next week!

    Distant Knight, Hektu (for this particular character, not for overall DPS record), Mesh, and Pedigo attained new records during our Infected Space Elite runs! Congrats to them, and thank you to Mesh for stepping in for the final ISE run after Miles left for the evening!

    In spite of some resistance from the rest of the team, Distant Knight (I believe it was he who did the coaxing. If not, please feel free to correct in the chat.) managed to coax us into running Battle of Korfez Elite and Dranuur Gauntlet Elite, and we were all glad that he did!!! We need to challenge ourselves more, and it was a lot of fun....contrary to expectations!

    Everyone's looking forward to your return next week, Solace!


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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 5 September 2020
    Scheduled Event

    Solace (Host)

    Miles (L)

    Dranuur Gauntlet Elite
    Defense of Starbase One Elite
    Storming the Spire Elite
    Operation Riposte Advanced
    Gravity Kills Elite

    Team 2:

    Missions ran:
    Storming the Spire

    Finally back as host for this event Big Grin Thanks everyone who showed up and I hear there was some good runs tonight. Big news though, I fixed my FPS issues with STO! Windows Defender... ¬_¬

    Special thanks to Miles for leading Team 1 tonight, hope you guys had fun!

    I ran Team 2 tonight which consisted of myself and Pedigo and to be honest.. we only got a few runs done and sat talking mostly (mostly me aha) and he helped me with a CPU Overclock.

    We finished up an ISE run with people from the DPS-Prime group.

    A message from Miles:
    "We did all runs on Elite, except Operation Riposte that was a random queue. Last run was an attempt on Gravity Kills Elite, but we failed it 'cause we run out of time.


    See you all next week!
  6. Deputy Head of Administration

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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 12 September 2020
    Scheduled Event

    Team 1:

    Battle of Korfez

    Thanks to everyone who turned up tonight. It was a great few DPS runs! New record for Miles, well done mate!

    We only went on for about an hour due to the community meeting which we all attended. Also Morris I'm still blaming you for knocking all those spheres away! Wink

    We hit up an ISE first, then sucessfully completed a Battle of Korfez (really well done DistantKnight on your tank) and then we finished up with a KSE. Which we DID complete MORRIS! Wink
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    Good thing nobody used any repel abilities at the end of Khitomer Vortex, otherwise we wouldn't have finished the TFO in time.

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     –  Last edited by Morris; Sun 13 Sep, 2020 2:16 AM.
    Thanks to everyone who turned up tonight. It was a great few DPS runs! New record for Miles, well done mate!

    We only went on for about an hour due to the community meeting which we all attended. Also Morris I'm still blaming you for knocking all those spheres away! Wink

    We hit up an ISE first, then sucessfully completed a Battle of Korfez (really well done DistantKnight on your tank) and then we finished up with a KSE. Which we DID complete MORRIS! Wink
    Good thing nobody used any repel abilities at the end of Khitomer Vortex, otherwise we wouldn't have finished the TFO in time.

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    You're correct, in that I was the only one in the group using Delayed Overload Cascade, but if you look through the log, all of its uses were on Donatra, the Gates, and the Tac Cubes. It is possible that one of the uses pushed away that last sphere, but no one can say for sure. Donatra was usually away from the spheres, and Delayed Overload Cascade doesn't have that wide of an area of effect (2 kilometres). That last sphere was a sprint away from Donatra's kill spot. It's also possible that the sphere got bumped out by the Neutronic Eddies (which I was also responsible for), or that it was just left behind and wandered off while we were killing Donatra. Looking through the combat log, there was never any damage applied to the spheres and probes (that I could tell from how the log is recorded anyway) by Delayed Overload Cascade, and the last damage reported from Neutronic Eddy, on spheres and probes, was while we were still working on the gates.

    (All times are in EDT) At timestamp 16:01:59.4, the final sphere (it wasn't the final sphere yet, but it would end up being the final sphere that caused our problems) engaged you (Distant Knight). At timestamp 16:02:04.9, my final Neutronic Eddy hit Donatra. At timestamp 16:02:05.7, your Hanger Pets engaged the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:06.3, Miles' pets engaged the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:41.1, my final Delayed Overload Cascade hit Donatra. At timestamp 16:02:46.3, your Delta Alliance Reinforcements Pets began attacking the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:48.1, Donatra died, followed by her core breach at 16:02:48.7. At timestamp 16:02:50.0, you began attacking the final sphere with a Fire at Will attack. At 16:02:51.9, my Hanger Pets began attacking the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:52.6, Pedigo's Hanger Pets began to attack the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:53.9, my ship came into range of the final sphere and began to attack. At timestamp 16:02:57.0, Solace's ship came into range of the final sphere and began to attack. At timestamp 16:02:57.5, the last record for the final sphere was logged. Throughout this time-frame, from 16:01:59.4 to 16:02:57.5, the final sphere was attacking you. Therefore, it must have been within range of at least you, and since you have a tanky build, I'll assume that it was attacking you because you were holding aggro.

    All of this is to say that the sphere in question was in constant contact with you (Distant Knight) and your pets for almost a full minute before Donatra died, all the while going unnoticed by, and/ or out of range of the rest of us, until the very end. I could ask you, what happened???

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    If you are still paying attention, lol, you're probably right. The last activation of Delayed Overload Cascade probably pushed the final sphere away from us just enough to cause us to fail the mission. I do take special care to try not to scatter mobs, and I thought that Donatra was far enough from everything to not cause a problem. We were running up against the timer, so I was throwing everything that I had available at her! If my actions caused us to fail, and detracted from your enjoyment of this particular TFO, please accept my sincerest, most heartfelt, and humble apology. I will endeavor to do better....after having gotten you to read through this wall of mess, lol!!!

    Morris Medals
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    No worries Morris. I still had fun playing that TFO. Personally, idgaf about the rewards from TFOs. If we had a bit more DPS for that run, we would've successfully completed that TFO even with that goof. It was a miracle we even defeated the Valdore in the first place. If we do this TFO again, we would be prepared to complete the TFO quicker with more DPS.
  8. Deputy Head of Administration

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    You're correct, in that I was the only one in the group using Delayed Overload Cascade, but if you look through the log, all of its uses were on Donatra, the Gates, and the Tac Cubes. It is possible that one of the uses pushed away that last sphere, but no one can say for sure. Donatra was usually away from the spheres, and Delayed Overload Cascade doesn't have that wide of an area of effect (2 kilometres). That last sphere was a sprint away from Donatra's kill spot. It's also possible that the sphere got bumped out by the Neutronic Eddies (which I was also responsible for), or that it was just left behind and wandered off while we were killing Donatra. Looking through the combat log, there was never any damage applied to the spheres and probes (that I could tell from how the log is recorded anyway) by Delayed Overload Cascade, and the last damage reported from Neutronic Eddy, on spheres and probes, was while we were still working on the gates.

    (All times are in EDT) At timestamp 16:01:59.4, the final sphere (it wasn't the final sphere yet, but it would end up being the final sphere that caused our problems) engaged you (Distant Knight). At timestamp 16:02:04.9, my final Neutronic Eddy hit Donatra. At timestamp 16:02:05.7, your Hanger Pets engaged the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:06.3, Miles' pets engaged the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:41.1, my final Delayed Overload Cascade hit Donatra. At timestamp 16:02:46.3, your Delta Alliance Reinforcements Pets began attacking the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:48.1, Donatra died, followed by her core breach at 16:02:48.7. At timestamp 16:02:50.0, you began attacking the final sphere with a Fire at Will attack. At 16:02:51.9, my Hanger Pets began attacking the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:52.6, Pedigo's Hanger Pets began to attack the final sphere. At timestamp 16:02:53.9, my ship came into range of the final sphere and began to attack. At timestamp 16:02:57.0, Solace's ship came into range of the final sphere and began to attack. At timestamp 16:02:57.5, the last record for the final sphere was logged. Throughout this time-frame, from 16:01:59.4 to 16:02:57.5, the final sphere was attacking you. Therefore, it must have been within range of at least you, and since you have a tanky build, I'll assume that it was attacking you because you were holding aggro.

    All of this is to say that the sphere in question was in constant contact with you (Distant Knight) and your pets for almost a full minute before Donatra died, all the while going unnoticed by, and/ or out of range of the rest of us, until the very end. I could ask you, what happened???

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    If you are still paying attention, lol, you're probably right. The last activation of Delayed Overload Cascade probably pushed the final sphere away from us just enough to cause us to fail the mission. I do take special care to try not to scatter mobs, and I thought that Donatra was far enough from everything to not cause a problem. We were running up against the timer, so I was throwing everything that I had available at her! If my actions caused us to fail, and detracted from your enjoyment of this particular TFO, please accept my sincerest, most heartfelt, and humble apology. I will endeavor to do better....after having gotten you to read through this wall of mess, lol!!!

    I was only kidding Morris, it was meant as a joke. I apologise if I took it too far.
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    If it wasn't the lag and the rubber banding we would have clear it in time.
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     –  Last edited by Morris; Sun 13 Sep, 2020 4:14 PM.
    No worries Morris. I still had fun playing that TFO. Personally, idgaf about the rewards from TFOs. If we had a bit more DPS for that run, we would've successfully completed that TFO even with that goof. It was a miracle we even defeated the Valdore in the first place. If we do this TFO again, we would be prepared to complete the TFO quicker with more DPS.
    I was only kidding Morris, it was meant as a joke. I apologise if I took it too far.
    No need to apologize! I have no hard feelings over your comments. My post was meant to laughingly push back on the jab from both of you...make it look like I took issue, make a long drawn out case for myself, then pull the rug out on you at the end, laughing at you for reading through the whole thing, believing that I was serious about it! The clues to you, in my mind, were the over the top, super sincere, but in reality, sarcastic and insincere apology, and the last sentence, winking at you for reading through the whole mess of a post. I have a very dry sense of humor. I guess that in reality, the joke's on me for taking the time to make the post, lol! I just had a couple of glasses of wine, and too much time on my hands! Lesson being, never post when you're drinking!
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    No need to apologize! I have no hard feelings over your comments. My post was meant to laughingly push back on the jab from both of you...make it look like I took issue, make a long drawn out case for myself, then pull the rug out on you at the end, laughing at you for reading through the whole thing, believing that I was serious about it! The clues to you, in my mind, were the over the top, super sincere, but in reality, sarcastic and insincere apology, and the last sentence, winking at you for reading through the whole mess of a post. I have a very dry sense of humor. I guess that in reality, the joke's on me for taking the time to make the post, lol! I just had a couple of glasses of wine, and too much time on my hands! Lesson being, never post when you're drinking!
    Well played sir, well played!
  12. Deputy Head of Administration

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    SFO 240

    Special Forces Saturday
    2000 UFP Time, 19 September 2020
    Scheduled Event



    Thanks everyone who turned up tonight.

    We kicked off tonight with an ISE for DPS records. We decided to run elite difficulty for DPS records. DistantKnight wanted to run Dranuur Gauntlet on elite.. you are a masochist or something brother ahahaha.

    Thankfully we had an easy enemy, the Fek'lhri thankfully! Thank you Morris for absorbing all the deeps that came my way while I just spammed grav wells Tongue Out

    Well done to all those who got new records tonight!
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    Sorry that I was unable to attend i was doing something up till 4 in the morning my time if i were to have attended i would have had only 3 4 hours sleep
    Sentinel Medals