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[Awards] - UFPAC September 2021 Awards List

Started By:
, Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:33 PM
  1. Admin

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    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation

    First out of spacedock tonight, we have a member who is often found lurking around on the forums, jumping in to take part in various discussions. Dipping their toes into various games including Fallout 76 and recently returning to STO, enticed in part by the prospect of a stupidly powerful phaser cannon, Arno12 has conducted himself admirably in his time here to date and it’s for that reason he’s awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Conduct Medal

    This member originally joined for the World of Warcraft raids as a guest and after a while, they decided to formally join the community. Branching out into other activities which included joining in with GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2. While you may not want to be in front of her if she’s behind the wheel in a street race, Beessie is always up for a laugh and has shown herself to be pleasant to all around here. It’s for these reasons, she is awarded the Combat Readiness Medal and the Conduct Medal.

    Chris Wilkinson
    Received 2 Medals

    • Federation Order of Merit
    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Continuing to go from strength to strength in the UFP, Chris Wilkinson wears many hats. As the XO of SFA, he’s never afraid or reluctant to step up or offer advice and suggestions for the department to grow. As an FNS writer and Holodeck events officer, he rises to the occasion each time and pitches in without hesitation, prompting or complaint. He has given an invaluable amount of input into the community across a wide spectrum and is willing to help members new and old alike. Chris has proven himself to be a shining example of the membership with a superb dedication to everyone. It’s for these reasons that Chris Wilkinson is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Federation Order of Merit.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Conduct Medal
    • Commander

    Watching over the fleet projects in STO, this member moves throughout the 9 UFP fleets to ensure that things are constantly available and moving in addition to checking over the fleet banks, keeping them stocked and ticking over. For these reasons, Darthnovawave is awarded with the Conduct Medal and a promotion to Commander.

    Received a Medal

    • Golden Starburst

    A participant of the Ares Roleplay Project, DeuZige can often be found there, helping to drive the story forward as the crew awaits their next mission. Holding a volunteer role, he will share his ideas and thoughts on the roleplay to assist in its direction and future development for all. For these reasons, DeuZige is awarded with the Golden Starburst.

    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    A relatively new member of the UFP, this hasn’t stopped our next member from frequently wishing others a happy birthday, welcoming and saying hello to new members and offering their congratulations for achievements and accomplishments. For their pleasant attitude and demonstration of community spirit, Donnyabadia is awarded with the Conduct Medal.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Lieutenant Commander

    One of our resident greeters and RSO’s with the Academy, Emmy is one of the first people you encounter as you are welcomed into the community. Never too far from the forum and committed to the community, they have certainly performed their role with distinction. For this, Emmy is awarded the Starfleet Medal and promotion to Lt. Commander.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Distinguished Service Cross
    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Lieutenant Commander

    A Special Forces Commander in SFO, this member leads and partakes in events, even if he’s not at his home PC and is on the road. Proving himself to be a solid, capable leader, he participates as often as he can, seeking to not only continue his own growth, but that of his fellow members too. Freely sharing his knowledge of STO, Hektu is a well liked and respected member of the community. For these reasons, he is awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross, Personal Achievement Award and a promotion to Lt. Commander.

    Received a Medal

    • Distinguished Service Cross

    A member from Down Under, this person always maintains a positive, friendly attitude towards everyone. Even with having to deal with real life events and issues, he has still worked hard in the community, organising events for Holodeck and maintaining a presence on Discord. For those reasons, Heyallo is awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Federation Order of Merit
    • Golden Starburst
    • Rear Admiral

    Showing a strong level of commitment to the STO division, tonight’s next member helps out in the wider community, passing along matters & issues to the appropriate departments to investigate, a service which has proved to be quite helpful. With a strong community spirit within him, Jestersmith rose through the ranks to currently serve as the XO for the Federation side, proving himself to be capable and approachable. A hardworking, dedicated member who also provides new ideas and solutions to issues, his contributions across the community have proven invaluable. For these reasons, Jestersmith is awarded with the Federation Order of Merit, Golden Starburst and a promotion to Rear Admiral.

    Josh Broughm
    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Admiral’s Cross

    A long standing member of the UFP, having recently passed the 12 year mark, this member has been around the community for as long as anyone can remember. Always contributing in one fashion or another, he has spent considerable time within the Ares Project in its many various forms, helping to progress the story and drive it forwards as the years rolled by. This has culminated in his recent appointment to become the new Commanding Officer of Ares, steering the ship into new journeys. Josh Broughm has shown and proven himself to be a stalwart of the UFP and there’s no signs of that changing. In recognition of his service over all those years, Josh Broughm is awarded with the Fleet Admiral’s Cross.

    Received a Promotion, 2 Medals and a Commendation

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Conduct Medal
    • Lieutenant
    • Commendation

    Another long standing member recently returned to the community, who in a coincidence originally registered on the very same day as our previous member this evening and is also a member of Ares, Kilfin has returned to the fold and become an active and involved member. Radiating positivity, he has further applied this by joining SFA to assist in welcoming new recruits and chiming in with advice and comment on a variety of topics. His hard work in such a short period of time is clear for all to see. It’s for these reasons that Kilfin is awarded the Conduct Medal, Starfleet Medal and a promotion to Lieutenant.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal
    • Chief Petty Officer

    A contributor to the Ares Project, Krajin has continued to help drive and direct the story forwards and has been doing this for many moons now. Stepping back into the project after a brief break, he’ll be part of the mission going forward into the next chapter. For these reasons, Krajin is awarded the Starfleet Medal and a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Valor Award
    • Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet (Replacement for script error)

    Another contributor to the Ares Project, this member could probably be considered part of the furniture of the department. Enabling the story to progress with his imaginative use of dialogue and creative twists to the tale, he too helps drive the story forward alongside the other members of the crew. It’s for these reasons that LogicalLeopard is awarded the Valor Award and a promotion to Commander.

    Received 3 Medals

    • Starfleet Cross
    • Nebula Star
    • Federation Order of Merit

    Another of the Special Ops Commanders in SFO, Miles has shown huge dedication to the STO division, earning the respect and notice of many others. Always willing to help and assist others, he has proven himself to be both enthusiastic and dependable, always making the effort to stay in touch with the community. It’s for these reasons that Miles is awarded with the Federation Order of Merit, Nebula Star and Starfleet Cross.

    Received a Promotion and a Commendation

    • Rear Admiral
    • Commendation

    A well known member of the community, particularly with STO, Morris serves as personnel officer, always keeping a watchful eye out for new Captains looking to join the UFP fleets. On hand to also offer advice, assistance and guidance to various members, his helpful and efficient manner keeps people at ease while finding their feet. For these reasons, Morris is awarded with a promotion to Rear Admiral.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Valor Award
    • Commander

    A member of the SFO team, MrNeal has served diligently as a quartermaster for the fleets, ensuring everything is kept ordered and tidy, managing the equivalent of an Excel spreadsheet in space for people to keep track of items. For his efforts in this area, he is awarded with the Valor Award and a promotion to Commander.

    Received a Medal

    • Personal Achievement Award

    Our next member is a dedicated volunteer of the STO staff, serving as a Special Ops Commander. A pleasant, helpful and easily approachable member, he has also demonstrated himself to be a confident team leader ingame, ensuring everyone has their questions answered and of course that fun is had by all. In recognition of his accomplishments and growth in the role, Pedigo is awarded with the Personal Achievement Award.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Starfleet Cross
    • Commander

    And another of the Special Ops Commanders appears into view next. This member leads events, offering support and encouragement to others during events. Making efforts to help get the community involved in the Special Ops events, his work to promote and develop these have helped shape them into both something of a hub for community interaction and for learning & teaching about the game. Creating a fun environment, Phoenix has member participation at the forefront of his mind. For these reasons, he is awarded with the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, Starfleet Cross and a promotion to Commander.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Federation Order of Distinction
    • Commodore

    Approaching his 4th UFP anniversary around Christmas time, the next member tonight has been a driving force in World of Warcraft, guiding the raids, crafting a path forward and helping others to play their classes. He also takes part in a number of other games, alongside being a frequent friendly face around TeamSpeak, getting involved in various hijinks and discussions. Though we called him by the wrong name in the last UFPAC, there’s no forgetting him and it’s for those reasons, Rattlehead is awarded with the Federation Order of Distinction and joins the admiralty with a promotion to Commodore.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Vice Admiral

    Since becoming the CO of FNS, Silek has motivated the team greatly and restructured the department to ensure a constant flow of high quality articles for the community. Even when busy with events in real life, he still finds the time to keep the department on track and maintain communication. For his work and dedication to date, he is awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal, Medal of Excellence and a promotion to Vice Admiral.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Valor Award
    • Federation Star
    • Lieutenant

    A long time member who can be found lurking the website, members like Sorotia are the bread and butter of our community. A quiet but friendly face regularly seen within the STO areas, they uphold the spirit and values of the UFP and without them the community would not be the same. For these reasons, Sorotia is awarded with the Federation Star, Valor Award & a promotion to Lieutenant.

    Received a Medal

    • Starfleet Cross

    A long-standing member, just a couple of weeks away from marking 8 years here, Sul-Matuul has consistently demonstrated his dedication to the UFP community across its various aspects. Holding volunteer roles in SFO and in more recent months as a moderator with FAB, his hard work and dedication have proven him to be a member that can be counted upon come rain or shine. For all these reasons, Sul-Matuul is being awarded the Starfleet Cross.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Legion of Merit
    • Personal Achievement Award

    A member of the Starfleet Academy team, Sunfire threw himself into the role and quickly demonstrated himself to be amongst the most active members, ensuring that recruitment posts are updated and members welcomed, also proving that the cake is not a lie with his various quips on the topic. Considered a valuable asset to SFA and the UFP as a whole, he has shown a willingness to help out when and where needed and has demonstrated excellence in how he carries out his tasks. For these reasons, Sunfire is awarded with the Legion of Merit and the Personal Achievement Award.

    Received a Medal

    • Fleet Admiral's Cross

    This member is a regular contributor to the discussions within the UFP on a variety of different matters. Humorous and respectful regardless of his position on a topic, he has been with us for just over 4 years now. Though retired from his previous volunteer roles, he still makes the effort to contribute towards SFO with his frequent posting of patch notes and advice on the endeavour system. Taku takes everything in his stride and it’s in recognition of his time with the community and his contributions that he is now awarded with the Fleet Admiral’s Cross.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Legion of Merit
    • Meritorious Service Medal

    Timverbesselt still shows no signs of falling. An older member who returned earlier in the year, he jumped right back into things, taking on roles with SFA and SFO. Dedicated to both as he welcomes new members and processes fleet invites, his efficient and friendly attitude makes him a pleasure to have as part of the community and volunteer staff. It’s for these reasons Timverbesselt is awarded with the Legion of Merit and the Personal Achievement Award.

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    One of the UFP’s older members, in terms of how long they’ve been here as they approach their 8th anniversary, Tomak has recently become more active again, showing a lot of interest in the various weekly events that take place. As a result of this, Tomak is awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Conduct Medal
    • Starfleet Medal
    • Petty Officer 2nd Class

    A new very recent arrival to the UFP, Trekchu has jumped in straight away with the community, having been active both on the forums and outside too. Their cheerful personality and presence have not gone unnoticed in this short time and it’s surely a sign of more to come. For these reasons, Trekchu is awarded with the Conduct Medal, Starfleet Medal & Petty Officer 2nd Class.

    Received a Medal

    • Federation Star

    Often found lurking around in the STO section of the forums, Wallis is a friendly long standing member of the community, particularly noted for his excitement over the various ship designs found in STO itself and how to tweak them. For his friendly, positive attitude both ingame and out, he is awarded with the Federation Star.

    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    Our final medal of the evening, this member is another recent addition to the UFP. WhiteMountain65 has shown himself to be a positive attitude combined with respect for his fellow members. Giving his honest opinions in a professional manner, he also has great enthusiasm in STO, freely willing to offer help where needed. Despite his short time here, he has already made a lasting impression to the beginning of his journey. It’s for these reasons that Whitemountain65 is awarded with the Conduct Medal.
    • Gold Contributor
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription

      Unlocked Fri 03 Jul, 2020 1:02 AM

      0.35% have received this achievement

    • Silver Contributor
      Rare (50 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Silver Subscription

      Unlocked Thu 02 Apr, 2020 12:02 PM

      0.42% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Tue 15 Sep, 2020 1:01 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Tue 16 Mar, 2021 3:03 AM

      0.70% have received this achievement

    • Poster Child
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach 500 posts on the forums

      Unlocked Fri 04 Feb, 2022 5:02 AM

      1.07% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Enabled Two Factor Authentication

      Unlocked Thu 30 Dec, 2021 12:02 PM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Feb 15 2016
    New Zealand
    • Users who disliked
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    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Arno12
    • Morris
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
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    Congrats too all winners

    And a big booo to CBS
    Sentinel Medals
  2. SFHolo Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:20 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:01 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • The Never Ending Sacrifice
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Win a Short Story Competition

      Unlocked Tue 29 Dec, 2020 5:11 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Correspondent
      Rare (50 Points)

      Submit a Federation News Service article

      Unlocked Tue 05 Nov, 2019 1:02 AM

      0.42% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 8:40 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Holodeck Commanding Officer
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Commanding Officer of Holodeck

      Unlocked Sun 07 Nov, 2021 7:01 PM

      0.03% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Apr 20 2008
    Dundee, Scotland
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    • Morris
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
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    Congratulations to everyone who was recognised tonight and a thanks to the hosts and our technical team who made sure it all worked as intended.
    ChrisWilkinson Medals
  3. Master Chief Petty Officer
    Master Chief Petty Officer
    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sun 22 Mar, 2020 2:05 AM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Sat 01 Sep, 2018 2:04 AM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Tue 07 May, 2019 2:01 AM

      0.70% have received this achievement

    • Engage
      Common (10 Points)

      Join the United Federation of Planets

      Unlocked Mon 26 Feb, 2018 8:01 AM

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    • Part of the Furniture
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a registered user for two years

      Unlocked Wed 26 Feb, 2020 9:06 AM

      92.87% have received this achievement

    • Master Chief Petty Officer
      Common (10 Points)

      Receive the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 8:38 PM

      0.07% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Feb 25 2018
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    • Morris
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
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    Congrats Everyone!!!
  4. Global Moderator

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 14 Oct, 2023 3:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 03 Apr, 2020 6:00 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Fri 01 Apr, 2022 12:10 PM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 30 Mar, 2024 9:47 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Fri 11 Dec, 2020 7:00 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • The Mad House
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the Holodeck

      Unlocked Tue 05 Jun, 2018 10:00 PM

      12.74% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
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    Jun 05 2018
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    • Morris
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
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    Video got copyright hit, ouch.

    Once again, congrats to all!
    Heyallo Medals
    "What good is a rule if you're not willing to die for it...? Or break it."
    Capt. Christopher Pike
  5. Personnel Officer

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 23 Sep, 2022 9:01 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Wed 01 Sep, 2021 12:00 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Sat 11 Jun, 2022 10:01 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Thu 19 Aug, 2021 4:00 PM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Thu 23 Sep, 2021 4:01 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Enabled Two Factor Authentication

      Unlocked Mon 18 Apr, 2022 6:04 PM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Feb 19 2021
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    • Morris
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
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    Congratulations to all!
    BrunocsfBrunocsf Medals
  6. Gold Contributor

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:24 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Sat 23 Apr, 2022 9:05 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:01 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Gold Contributor
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription

      Unlocked Fri 10 Apr, 2020 8:02 AM

      0.35% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 24 Dec, 2022 9:52 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Shields up, Red Alert!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be the STO Division Executive Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.10% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Apr 23 2012
    Virginia, U.S.A.
    • Users who disliked
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    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations to all who were recognized, and thank you as one of those recognized!

    Thank you to our hosts for a very entertaining ceremony!
    Morris Medals
  7. Global Moderator

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Wed 04 Oct, 2023 10:07 AM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Mon 29 Apr, 2019 8:00 PM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 30 Dec, 2023 10:09 PM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Operations


      27.38% have received this achievement

    • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the House of Kular

      Unlocked Sat 20 Apr, 2024 9:03 PM

      12.74% have received this achievement

    • FAB-ulous
      Common (10 Points)

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      Unlocked Wed 07 Apr, 2021 10:00 PM

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    ACHV. Points
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    Oct 03 2013
    Gamma Quadrant, Sector 4
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    • Morris
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Well done everyone! Sadly I missed it tonight due to RL.

    And thanks for my medal!

    Copyright video woes lol. Facepalm
    SulMatuul Medals
  8. UPT Commanding Officer

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 10:02 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Quiet on the Set!
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the UPT Commanding Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.01% have received this achievement

    • The Ghost Writer [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Commanding Officer of the Ares Division

      Unlocked Sat 29 Sep, 2018 1:05 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Set Phasers to Stun
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Participated in an Elite Force tournament

      Unlocked Sun 09 Oct, 2016 4:13 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • You Have the Bridge
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Attend a Bridge Commander Tournament

      Unlocked Tue 10 Jan, 2017 3:45 PM

      0.03% have received this achievement

    • Old School Gamer [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Tactical


      6.84% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Feb 08 2013
    Alsace, France
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    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Morris
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congrats to all, too bad the video is down as I couldn't be at the event Cry
  9. Simulation Officer

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Mon 26 Aug, 2019 11:07 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • The Ghost Writer [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Commanding Officer of the Ares Division

      Unlocked Wed 23 Jun, 2021 10:02 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Commodore
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Commodore

      Unlocked Wed 23 Jun, 2021 9:11 PM

      0.50% have received this achievement

    • Captain
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Ascend the ranks to reach the Captains chair

      Unlocked Tue 31 Jan, 2012 5:44 PM

      0.67% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Mon 28 Sep, 2015 8:01 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 24 Sep, 2022 9:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
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    Aug 26 2009
    Cape Breton Or Hyrule
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    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Kiflin
    • Morris
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    I thank you for the honor. Shame the vid was taken out.

    Congrats to everyone else!!
    JoshBroughm Medals
  10. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • At the Helm [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Operations

      Unlocked Tue 08 Dec, 2020 3:00 PM

      0.07% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sat 20 Feb, 2021 10:00 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 11:19 AM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 26 Mar, 2022 9:49 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
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    Some very deserving people well done all

    Jestersmith Medals
  11. RPD Commanding Officer

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    Congratz to all! Well done!!
    Kiflin Medals
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    Congrats everyone and thanks for attending, we'll see you again at Christmas for UFPAC #62!
    Petrarch Medals
  12. Deputy Head of Administration

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    Congrats to everyone who got some awards!
    • Pillar of the Community
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    Congrats to everyone who received a commendation, medal or promotion and thank you too for the awards I received too !
    Timverbesselt Medals