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[Awards] - UFPAC June 2022 Awards List

Started By:
, Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:26 PM
  1. Admin

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    • RagnrockS7G
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    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    As we kick off a new UFPAC, it seems fitting that our first member is a new member, having just pulled into port a few weeks ago. Having already looked around and taken a walk through the forums while engaging in discussions, their behaviour and manners thus far are a very good start to their journey here and it’s why Akenomyces is awarded the Conduct Medal.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Starfleet Cross
    • Combat Readiness Medal

    A former Recruitment Coordinator for SFA, our second awardee tonight had to take a step back from the UFP for a time, but upon his return he slid back into his chair as if he had never left and resumed his volunteering roles. An active, friendly and approachable person who is always helpful and hardworking, his commitment to the UFP is exemplary and this why AlexRider is awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal and the Starfleet Cross.

    Received a Promotion

    • Master Chief Petty Officer

    Having been with the community now for over 4 years, our next member is a frequent participant and commentator in the various discussions taking place, be it STO, a birthday or wider Trek in general. Having been a while since their last promotion and also one of our members that sticks to the non-commissioned ranks, Arno12 is promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer.

    Chris Wilkinson
    Received a Promotion

    • Admiral

    An older member of the community now, this individual has held a number of volunteer roles in his time, the most recent and current of those as the CO of Holodeck. Chris has worked hard in every role he held and his current position is no exception, making efforts to restart the UFP’s presence in SWTOR and keeping an eye out for new titles that may catch interest. Chris Wilkinson already has a full medal bar, thus his efforts are recognised with a 4th pip which comes from his promotion to Admiral.

    Received a Medal

    • Conduct Medal

    Another relatively new member to the community arriving about a month ago, this person shows a keen interest in contributing whilst learning the ropes of the UFP. With their polite demeanour, DarkMatter1975 has earned the Conduct Medal.

    Received a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal

    One of the STO Quartermasters, Darthnovawave whittles away the hours exploring a virtual filing cabinet of sorts, ensuring things are correctly stowed away and ship-shape. He’s earned himself a reputation as a solid volunteer with a high level of activity, so it’s for those reasons he is awarded with the Starfleet Medal.

    Distant Knight
    Received a Medal

    • Medal of Excellence

    A frequent attendee to the various STO events that take place, this member displays their helpful friendly attitude to everyone they encounter and does his part to help others out as and when they need it. For their frequent contributions, Distant Knight is awarded with the Medal of Excellence.

    Received a Medal

    • Federation Star

    [A person who has been around the UFP for years, they’re also a common sight to be seen on Teamspeak and attending events. Having a can-do attitude, coupled with his humour, makes it a pleasure to have on your team. For his attitude, participation and willingness to take part GriffinTalon is awarded the Federation Star.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Distinguished Service Cross
    • Lieutenant

    Another long term member regularly found on TeamSpeak who will celebrate 10 years in 2023, they take part in events and offer help and advice to others, being more frequently found in-game than the forums. In recognition of their time with the community, Jammers195 is awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross and a promotion to Lieutenant.

    Received 3 Medals

    • Medal of Excellence
    • Red Crest
    • Valor Award

    Our first recipient in part 2 of this evenings ceremony is also our first triple burstfire! Another volunteer who works diligently in every role they’ve held, keeping a close eye on the tasks at hand and helping to drive things forwards. An approachable member with an open ear to suggestions and opinions, he takes the effort to make everyone feel welcome and acknowledged. His hard work and dedication has seen him now ascend to the CO position of the Ares Roleplay Project, as he takes on the job of refocusing and rebuilding the path forwards. It’s for these reasons Kiflin is awarded the Medal of Excellence, Red Crest & the Valour award.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Medal of Excellence
    • Conduct Medal

    Sticking with ARES for a moment, our next member has been with ARES RP for some time and regularly communicates his ideas, thoughts and opinions to assist in the story and how to go forwards. Listening to others ideas also, he has proven his ability to work both solo and in a team, with a talent for creating posts that draw the reader into the story. Krajin continues to write for Ares and has stuck with the department through thick and thin. So it’s for these reasons, Krajin is awarded with the Conduct Medal and Medal of Excellence.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Nebula Star
    • Lieutenant Commander

    Staying aboard Ares one more time before we move on, this member has spent much of his time with the UFP within the Ares project. Offering logical, well thought responses to matters as they arise, they’re always ready to help out. Having suggested ideas to improve the story, he has been a consistent presence throughout the department history. Having held an enlisted rank until very recently, he has now moved on to the commissioned ranks as he takes on new responsibilities as the Lead Simulation Officer. A triple burstfire comes to bear as LogicalLeopard is awarded with the Meritorious Service Medal, Nebula Star and also a promotion to Lt. Commander.

    Received a Medal

    • Starfleet Medal

    Another of the STO Quartermasters that also spends their time filing away in the virtual cabinets mentioned earlier, MrNeal has demonstrated attention and detail to his role, coupled with regular high levels of activity whilst ingame, keeping the flow of goods straight and steady. For those reasons and in recognition of his service, MrNeal is awarded the Starfleet Medal.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Conduct Medal
    • Petty Officer 3rd Class

    Though a fairly recent arrival to the UFP, our next member has made strides in attending events, learning the ropes and showing a high level of interest. With a friendly attitude towards others, we’re just seeing the beginning of their career in the community. NightZombie is awarded with the Conduct Medal and a promotion to Petty Officer 3rd Class.

    Received a Promotion

    • Master Chief Petty Officer

    Having been with the UFP since 2015, willing to share and take part in discussions, alongside being found in various games such as The Division 2, showing that this member can be seen visiting the lesser frequented corners of our supported games. Though it has been some time since their last promotion, we’re going to fix that tonight and O’Neill is promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Federation Order of Distinction
    • Meritorious Service Medal

    Having joined the tech team to help with the UFP website, this member has made some valuable modifications already, and has several other projects working on the burners. One of their recent - and noticeable changes - was a modification to the event system allowing people to "RSVP Tentatively", something often requested in the past but is now made a reality. It is for his dedication, hard work and service to the community so far, Pedigo is awarded with the Federation Order of Distinction and Meritorious Service Medal

    Received a Promotion

    • Petty Officer 1st Class

    While many hold commissioned ranks within the UFP, there are those that prefer to remain in the enlisted personnel and this next member is one of those folks. Continuing their commitment and interest in the community, RagnrockS7G is awarded an overdue promotion to Petty Officer 1st Class.

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    Our final entry for part 2, this member spends much of their time casting their watchful eye over our new members as an RSO, whilst also scanning for any trouble coming in over the Horizon as part of FAB. Never far away from the forums and carrying out their tasks with care, precision and dedication, RedKing353 is awarded the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Received a Promotion, 2 Medals and a Commendation

    • Conduct Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Lieutenant Commander
    • Commendation

    We keep a theme going here as the first member of Part 3, much like Part 2, begins with another triple burstfire. An active and helpful member who serves as a personnel officer, they have proven themselves to be active and helpful in their role, maintaining a high level of activity which carries over into the general day to day conversations of the community. Though new to his role, he’s already proven himself as a valuable asset to SFO and it’s for these reasons, Remsus is awarded with the Conduct Medal, the Personal Achievement Award and a promotion to Lt. Commander.

    Following the trends of previous UFPACs, the first of tonight’s commendations is going to a member who we’ve already heard about tonight. Remsus has quickly proven himself to be a hard worker with his high activity and efficiency and he also can be often found wishing members a happy birthday and welcoming new members into the fold. Taking part in a wide array of events and always being respectful in his dealings with others, Remsus earns that little bit extra tonight with this commendation alongside his medals and promotion.

    Received a Medal

    • Nebula Star

    Stepping up to the plate earlier this year following the departure of his predecessor, our next member has proven themselves to be a solid hard worker, bringing new ideas into the mix while still also taking time aside to help out members new and old alike. Only in the role for nearly 5 months now, their continued efforts as the XO of SFA are sure to continue to bear fruit. Therefore, Sunfire is awarded with the Nebula Star.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Conduct Medal

    Serving as a personnel officer, this member is often in first with the responses to invites and handles them with the precision and care needed. A long serving member often found engaging with a high level of activity and in a respectful manner towards others, it sees Sythe awarded tonight with the Conduct Medal and the Fleet Loyalty Commendation.

    Received a Promotion and a Commendation

    • Admiral
    • Commendation

    Despite having a tough year so far, our next member remains a regular fixture in our community, supporting others who support him in turn. A fantastic member to spend time with, either through gaming or just having a chat, his dedication to the UFP is a shining example of the membership, even if he may say himself that he doesn’t always work well with others. He also appears to dislike being promoted when we’ve done it in the past, but there is some relief for him here since this will be the last promotion to accompany his now filled medal bar. For all the reasons above, Taku has earned his 4th pip with a promotion to Admiral.

    Sticking with the “Previously on UFPAC” theme, our second and final commendation tonight is also a member we’ve mentioned previously. Having matters in real life that take high priority, Taku continues to remain active on the forums and is long established as the STO Patch Notes guy. A constant presence amongst us, he has proven himself as someone that can be counted on and keeps us filled in on what’s happening. Always interacting and offering up support and advice, Taku has earned his stripes, or pips in this case, and is awarded with this commendation in recognition of his dedication to the UFP.

    Received a Medal

    • Federation Star

    There will be no more tree puns for this member, as the writer has decided to cut them down. Prompt, active and helpful, he has proven himself to be an asset to SFA and also holds a role as a personnel officer. Able to take on the time to balance these roles and carry all of them out to a high standard, his respectful attitude coupled with high activity have made him a frequent, regular presence on the forums. It’s for these reasons that Timverbesselt is awarded with the Federation Star.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Combat Readiness Medal

    A regular fixture at events by both STO and Holodeck, this member is also regarded to have an encyclopaedic knowledge on the world of films and TV. Always a big part of the conversation to those around him, his willingness to offer help and advice is why Trekchu is awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal and Personal Achievement Award.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Distinguished Service Cross
    • Chief Petty Officer

    A member that offers suggestions on how to eat better and well with his Keto posts which have drawn interest from several others, WhiteMountain65 has become a valued member of the UFP and when not found asleep on TeamSpeak, he’s full of conversation and ready to jump in to attend events. It’s for these reasons, WhiteMountain65 is awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross and a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    Received a Promotion

    • Lieutenant

    The final award of the medals and promotions tonight is going to a member who, while perhaps quieter than many others, is no less noticeable, often found in the birthday threads giving out well wishes. Their spreading of cheer on people’s special days alongside their continued interest and commitment to the UFP sees Yuki awarded with a promotion to Lieutenant.
  2. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sat 20 Feb, 2021 10:00 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 11:19 AM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • At the Helm [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Operations

      Unlocked Tue 08 Dec, 2020 3:00 PM

      0.07% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 26 Mar, 2022 9:49 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Enabled Two Factor Authentication

      Unlocked Sun 24 Oct, 2021 2:59 PM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    May 07 2012
    Liverpool UK
    • Users who disliked
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    • MrNeal
    • Kiflin
    • Remsus
    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Arno12
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
    • Yuki
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    Well done everyone

    Jestersmith Medals
  3. Personnel Officer

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 23 Sep, 2022 9:01 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Wed 01 Sep, 2021 12:00 PM

      9.60% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Sat 11 Jun, 2022 10:01 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Thu 19 Aug, 2021 4:00 PM

      3.88% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Thu 23 Sep, 2021 4:01 PM

      1.86% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Enabled Two Factor Authentication

      Unlocked Mon 18 Apr, 2022 6:04 PM

      0.59% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Feb 19 2021
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    • MrNeal
    • Kiflin
    • Remsus
    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • Jestersmith
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Arno12
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Sythe
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    Congratulations to all!
    BrunocsfBrunocsf Medals
  4. RPD Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:23 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Tue 27 Aug, 2019 10:03 AM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Scribe
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Roleplay Division Commanding Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Vice Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 14 Oct, 2023 3:01 PM

      0.29% have received this achievement

    • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Operations

      Unlocked Wed 01 Sep, 2021 8:02 AM

      27.38% have received this achievement

    • Old School Gamer [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Tactical

      Unlocked Tue 13 Jul, 2021 10:03 AM

      6.84% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Aug 26 2009
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    • MrNeal
    • Remsus
    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • Jestersmith
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Arno12
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
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    Congratz and well done!!
    Kiflin Medals
  5. Quartermaster

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 14 Oct, 2023 3:06 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Wed 20 Oct, 2021 6:04 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sun 11 Sep, 2022 10:04 AM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    • Captain
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Ascend the ranks to reach the Captains chair

      Unlocked Sat 14 Oct, 2023 3:02 PM

      0.67% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Sat 04 Jun, 2022 5:04 PM

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    • Bronze Contributor
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      Subscribe to a monthly Bronze Subscription

      Unlocked Wed 24 Jun, 2020 11:04 AM

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    Sep 13 2015
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    • Remsus
    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Jestersmith
    • Arno12
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
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    Congratulations to you all & thank you for the new medal Live Long and Prosper
    MrNeal Medals
    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 24 Sep, 2022 9:24 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Tue 14 Jun, 2022 8:00 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 21 Dec, 2019 10:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Admiral Council
      Rare (50 Points)

      Join the Federation Executive Office

      Unlocked Sun 02 Dec, 2018 3:00 PM

      0.06% have received this achievement

    • Academy Dean
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Fri 18 May, 2018 6:03 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:08 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

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    May 25 2017
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    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Jestersmith
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
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    Grats to tonight's awardees and thank you for watching, see you again in September foer the 65th!
    Petrarch Medals
  6. Quartermaster

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:19 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked 1 Week Ago

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 30 Mar, 2024 11:00 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 24 Mar, 2023 4:06 AM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Vice Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:37 PM

      0.29% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sat 05 Nov, 2022 11:00 AM

      0.69% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Mar 11 2020
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    • Taku
    • Petrarch
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Solace
    • Jestersmith
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
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     –  Last edited by Remsus; Sat 18 Jun, 2022 10:08 PM.
    Congratulation to all received a promotion and / or one or two medals! Congrats

    Personally: Thank you, I never expected that.
    Remsus Medals
  7. Deputy Head of Administration

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 28 Mar, 2020 10:11 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Thu 11 Aug, 2022 1:05 AM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Fri 14 Feb, 2020 8:03 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Editor-and-Chief
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation News Service CO

      Unlocked Fri 10 Feb, 2023 3:02 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Deputized
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation Administrative Bureau Executive Officer

      Unlocked Tue 30 Jul, 2024 4:40 PM

      0.01% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 26 Sep, 2020 10:02 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Aug 10 2012
    United Kingdom
    • Users who disliked
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    • Users who liked
    • Remsus
    • Taku
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Jestersmith
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations everyone!
    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 26 Jun, 2021 9:20 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:17 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 11:25 AM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:10 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Eternal Servitude!
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be a registered user for five years

      Unlocked Sun 31 Jul, 2022 10:06 PM

      80.40% have received this achievement

    • tlhIngan SuvwI' [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the House of Kular

      Unlocked Tue 12 Feb, 2019 12:02 PM

      12.74% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
    Join Date
    Jul 31 2017
    St. Louis, Missouri, USA
    • Users who disliked
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    • Users who liked
    • Remsus
    • Petrarch
    • Chris Wilkinson
    • Solace
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Jestersmith
    • Bedders
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
    Reply With QuoteQuote
     –  Last edited by Taku; Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:40 PM.

    I missed it.

    Sorry about that. I RSVPed and everything. I just felt like crap this morning so I took an extra pain killer. I guess two is the point that I fall asleep.

    Thank you for the kind words and the recognition. I am humbled. Truly. Thank you.

    And, well earned everyone!
    "And when I saw the breadth of my domain, I wept, for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
  8. SFHolo Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:20 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • The Never Ending Sacrifice
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Win a Short Story Competition

      Unlocked Tue 29 Dec, 2020 5:11 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 18 Dec, 2021 10:01 PM

      0.18% have received this achievement

    • Correspondent
      Rare (50 Points)

      Submit a Federation News Service article

      Unlocked Tue 05 Nov, 2019 1:02 AM

      0.42% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 8:40 PM

      0.22% have received this achievement

    • Holodeck Commanding Officer
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Commanding Officer of Holodeck

      Unlocked Sun 07 Nov, 2021 7:01 PM

      0.03% have received this achievement

    ACHV. Points
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    Apr 20 2008
    Dundee, Scotland
    • Users who disliked
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    • Users who liked
    • Taku
    • Remsus
    • Solace
    • WhiteMountain65
    • Jestersmith
    • Kiflin
    • Arno12
    • MrNeal
    • Miles
    • AlexRider
    • Petrarch
    • Morris
    • Brunocsf
    • Sythe
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congratulations to everyone who was recognised this UFPAC
    ChrisWilkinson Medals
  9. Bronze Contributor

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 27 Jun, 2020 9:10 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Editor-and-Chief
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation News Service CO

      Unlocked Sun 09 May, 2021 2:02 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • The Mad House
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the Holodeck

      Unlocked Fri 24 Jan, 2020 9:00 PM

      12.74% have received this achievement

    • Academic Inclination
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Sun 16 Feb, 2020 2:02 PM

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    Congratulations everyone! What a great UFPAC!
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    Congratulations everyone, and thank you very much.

    *adjusts snore-guard drool cup attachment on microphone*
  10. Personnel Officer

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    Congratulations everyone!
    Sythe Medals
  11. Quartermaster

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    Congratulations! Live Long and Prosper
    TTan Medals
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    Congrats to all ^_^
    Sentinel Medals