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[Awards] - UFPAC June 2023 Awards List

Started By:
RavenSplat, Mon 26 Jun, 2023 9:27 PM
  1. UPT Executive Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 30 Dec, 2023 10:14 PM

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      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sun 10 Dec, 2023 5:06 AM

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      Unlocked Mon 12 Dec, 2022 1:03 PM

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    • Rear Admiral
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      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:37 PM

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      Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM

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     –  Last edited by RavenSplat; Tue 27 Jun, 2023 10:26 AM.


    Broadcast on Sunday 25th June 2023

    Members can find a list of Ranks and Medals with explanations here

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Commodore
    • Federation Order of Merit
    • Golden Starburst

    We start off the UFPAC with a member that joined and quickly moved into a volunteer role with SFA and as time passed, he worked his way through the ranks to recently be appointed as the new XO of the department, sliding into the chair with ease. With a side gig in FNS, they contribute regularly to both and have demonstrated a high level of engagement with others. Working day in day out in SFA, they go above and beyond in their duties as they double up to function as the recruitment coordinator too. Exceptionally dedicated, well liked and respected, they have quickly made their mark on the UFP and show no signs of slowing down. For his service, friendly attitude and a daptable nature on top of the other reasons, AlexRider is awarded with the Federation Order of Merit, Golden Starburst and a promotion to Commodore.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Conduct Medal

    A brand new member of the community is our second stop on tonight’s adventure, with this person having not made it to the 3 month mark yet. Able to engage with others easily, this was parlayed into taking on a role with FNS, turning out quality articles in a timely manner, showing commitment to the division with a positive attitude in tow. Away from this, they are noted for their “Personal Logs” thread on the forum. Though their time thus far is short, they’ve given a glimpse of what’s still to come as time passes by. It’s for these reasons that AnnaOfStarfleet is awarded with the Conduct Medal and the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Received a Medal

    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Next tonight is a member who has volunteered for 2 years now but will reach his 7th anniversary with the UFP towards the end of December. Functioning as a quartermaster in the STO fleets, he dips and dives between the virtual chests and filing cabinets to ensure nothing gets lost down the back of the virtual sofa. With a friendly attitude and always helpful when needed, Darthnovawave is awarded with the Distinguished Service Cross.

    Distant Knight
    Received 2 Medals

    • Starfleet Cross
    • Valour Award

    Sticking with the STO division for now, our next member is active in the Special Ops section, always there to bring his unique take on matters. Eager to help others improve in the game by displaying his own builds and thoughts behind him, this help has also extended to donating items and supplies to newer players starting out or those seeking to improve further. It’s for these reasons and his service as a volunteer that Distant Knight is awarded with the Starfleet Cross and the Valour Award.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals and a Commendation

    • Petty Officer Second Class
    • Conduct Medal
    • Personal Achievement Award
    • Commendation

    Though appearing, outwardly at least, to be a new member, our next person tonight actually appeared some 6 years ago before recently returning to the fold after a long absence. Making his presence known on the forums and in-game, particularly in the STO division, he has shown himself as willing and eager to learn, discussing builds and asking advise on how to tweak and improve. Showing respect and dignity in their dealing with others, they’ve become something of a social butterfly as they move through the UFP. With that, Draxx is awarded with the Conduct Medal, Personal Achievement Award and a promotion to Petty Officer 2nd Class.

    Received a Promotion

    • Chief Petty Officer

    Our next member is a name that you may not see often but they also have made it 7 years with the community and they can be often found in The Old Republic. Though the UFP only has a small presence with TOR nowadays, the work of this member keeps the name going strong, keeping the guild up to date with the conquest and always ready to chat when he’s there. For these reasons, Foster is awarded with a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    Received a Promotion

    • Commander

    Our next award this evening is for another long serving member that frequents holodeck, well, frequently. Often seen joining in with the Halo nights, Star Wars Sundays and more recently with Diablo IV, he’s easy going and ready for a laugh or serious playing as situation demands it. Though not a member of the Holodeck team proper, he keeps with the spirit of the division and that’s why GriffinTalon is awarded with a promotion to Commander.

    Received 3 Medals

    • Federation Order of Distinction
    • Meritorious Service Medal
    • Fleet Admiral's Cross

    Another member of the Special Ops with STO, he has given a lot of service during his time there, bringing a commitment and dedication to his role both in improving himself and those around him. While he has now stepped back from his CL4 role and taking a well earned rest, he’s still with us and will no doubt continue to cause trouble for the Borg, Voth and anyone else who deserves it. Hektu for his efforts is awarded with the Federation Order of Distinction, the Meritorious Service Medal and the Fleet Admiral’s Cross.

    Received a Promotion

    • Rear Admiral

    Primarily found on the UFP Discord server and shining as a beacon of positivity there alongside his role on Holodeck, he regularly chimes in on various topics in a friendly manner and shows his love for the community. He does appear to have an obsession with Pokemon but we’ll not hold that against him, so on that note, Heyallo is awarded with a promotion to Rear Admiral.

    Josh Broughm
    Received a Promotion

    • Rear Admiral

    An active member of the Ares Roleplay Project and one of the former CO’s, he continues to go from strength to strength with the division as a regular contributor. His love of roleplay is amongst the strongest we’ve seen in the UFP, able to integrate emotion into his writing to draw people into the scene playing out. That he stayed on with Ares after standing down from an official role is a testament to his desire to see the division grow and succeed. That’s why Josh Broughm is promoted to Rear Admiral.

    Received a Medal

    • Starfleet Cross

    We’re still aboard Ares with the division’s current CO, Kiflin. Like his predecessors before him, Kiflin took on the job under difficult circumstances and times for the division, however he jumped in with both feet and came armed with a vision to help rebuild the roleplay and what direction it should take going forwards. Slowly but surely under his guidance in the centre chair, the Ares team built the ship back up and reignited the stories for all to enjoy. A hard worker and always willing to listen and pitch in, Kiflin is awarded with the Starfleet Cross.

    Received a Promotion

    • Senior Chief Petty Officer

    A respectful, considerate, cordial and enthusiastic member of the community, both in public and private, he’s proven himself willing and able to help out wherever he can. Though perhaps one of our quieter members and mainly found in the Ares Project, Krajin sees his efforts rewarded with a promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer.

    Received a Medal

    • Combat Readiness Medal

    An older hand in the UFP approaching their 8 year mark in September, they’ve held a volunteer role for some time now as a Quartermaster in STO and previously gave their time as a personnel officer. A dedicated member of the UFP keeping the fleet banks neat and tidy, MrNeal is awarded with the Combat Readiness Medal.

    Received a Medal

    • Legion of Merit

    A member who disappeared for a break before returning, they’ve jumped back into the community from the word go, returning to the Ares Roleplay Project. Passionate about how the story unfolds and showing respect to the tales that have come before, he took on the challenges of helping to drive the story forwards and also creating scenarios to help new members of the roleplay learn the ropes. His hard work and determination has seen him rise through the ranks, culminating in being recently appointed the new XO for Ares. For these reasons, Nesta is awarded with the Legion of Merit.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Chief Petty Officer
    • Federation Star

    A highly active member of the community in STO, be it an organised event or just chilling out, this person makes themselves known. A friendly individual always eager to jump in with whatever’s going on, he’s effectively become part of the furniture in the fleets at this point. Nightzombie is therefore awarded with the Federation Star & a promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

    Received a Promotion and 2 Medals

    • Rear Admiral
    • Federation Star
    • Starfleet Cross

    Staying with STO, this member is part of the Special Ops group, hosting and leading events in-game. Friendly and approachable, he has proven himself time and time again to be welcoming to other attendees and willing to assist when needed. Having been with the UFP for over a decade now, he’s an old hand at things and still serving up conversation and providing challenges and competition amongst teams. Rastilion, who will make it 11 years in just one more month, is awarded with the Federation Star, Starfleet Cross and a promotion to Rear Admiral.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Rear Admiral
    • Valour Award

    Though quiet on the forums, our next member can frequently be found at home in-game. Over the last several years he’s made efforts to keep the WoW guild alive and ticking over, alongside hosting various events for it. Working with SFA to help get the word out and draw new blood towards WoW, he will frequently provide assistance with gear and build advice for the various characters that traverse Azeroth. For all of his efforts to date, Rattlehead is awarded with the Valour Award and a promotion to Rear Admiral.

    Received 3 Medals

    • Medal of Excellence
    • Starfleet Medal
    • Fleet Admirals Cross

    Eager to help, our next member goes above and beyond what they signed up to do, providing excellent levels of contribution and helping to foster discussion and discord on a wide variety of topics. Functioning in both FNS and Ares, they have shown - and proven - themselves willing to do whatever they need to do for the greater good of the community, which also includes taking over the awards thread for this very ceremony once it’s completed. The initiative shown by this person is something they should be commended for so lets make that happen right now and award RavenSplat with the Medal of Excellence, Starfleet Medal and the Fleet Admiral’s Cross.

    Received 2 Medals

    • Federation Star
    • Valour Award

    A reliable and well liked member of the community, this person serves the STO division as a personnel officer and quartermaster and until recently was also an RSO with is presence in SFA sorely missed. Perhaps best described as one of the community’s workhorses, his ongoing service and dedication to the UFP at large has not gone unnoticed and it’s for those reasons Remsus is awarded with the Federation Star and the Valour Award.

    Received a Promotion and a Medal

    • Lieutenant Junior Grade
    • Conduct Medal

    Though one of the quieter members of the UFP on the forums, our penultimate stop this evening has remained active away from the forum in various guises and games. Willing to chat away and lend a hand where he can, Tytalus is awarded with the Conduct Medal and a promotion to Lt. Junior Grade.

    Received 2 Medals and a Commendation

    • Conduct Medal
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Commendation

    For our final entry in the medals tonight, we conclude with another newer member who has just barely got 3 months under their belt now. Active and friendly, he’s shared snippets of his life and background with the community since arriving and took on a volunteer role with FNS to branch out his talents as he does something similar back in reality. He may not see this at the moment as he’s off on some holidays right now but didn’t leave anyone in the lurch as he prepped articles before departing, proving his dedication to the role. For these reasons, Woorlord is being awarded with the Conduct Medal and Medal of Excellence.
    RavenSplat Medals

    Truth creates knowledge. Knowledge fosters understanding and in understanding there is peace
  2. Quartermaster

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Mar, 2023 10:30 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sat 20 Feb, 2021 11:02 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • The Fool
      Rare (50 Points)

      Got pranked on April 1st

      Unlocked Thu 01 Apr, 2021 2:04 PM

      0.45% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Wed 02 Feb, 2022 3:03 AM

      0.68% have received this achievement

    • Vice Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:29 PM

      0.30% have received this achievement

    • Aspiring Author
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Participate in a Short Story Competition

      Unlocked Tue 29 Dec, 2020 5:16 PM

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    • MrNeal
    • Remsus
    • RavenSplat
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    Congrats all!
    darthnovawave Darthnovawave Medals
  3. UPT Executive Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 30 Dec, 2023 10:14 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Sun 10 Dec, 2023 5:06 AM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Correspondent
      Rare (50 Points)

      Submit a Federation News Service article

      Unlocked Mon 12 Dec, 2022 1:03 PM

      0.42% have received this achievement

    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 29 Jun, 2024 9:37 PM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    • Rolling
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Be the UPT Executive Officer

      Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM

      0.01% have received this achievement

    • Author
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the Roleplay Division

      Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM

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    • WoorLord
    • MrNeal
    • Remsus
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    Congratulations to everyone! Well done.
    RavenSplat Medals

    Truth creates knowledge. Knowledge fosters understanding and in understanding there is peace
  4. Deputy Head of Administration

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 28 Mar, 2020 10:11 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Fri 14 Feb, 2020 8:03 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Thu 11 Aug, 2022 1:05 AM

      36.08% have received this achievement

    • Editor-and-Chief
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation News Service CO

      Unlocked Fri 10 Feb, 2023 3:02 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Deputized
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation Administrative Bureau Executive Officer

      Unlocked Tue 30 Jul, 2024 4:40 PM

      0.01% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 26 Sep, 2020 10:02 PM

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    • WoorLord
    • MrNeal
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    • RavenSplat
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    Congrats to everyone! Well deserved.
  5. Personnel Officer

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Fri 23 Sep, 2022 9:01 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • Paragon of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Sign three roll calls in a row

      Unlocked Wed 01 Sep, 2021 12:00 PM

      9.58% have received this achievement

    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System

      Unlocked Sat 11 Jun, 2022 10:01 PM

      1.27% have received this achievement

    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Thu 19 Aug, 2021 4:00 PM

      3.86% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Thu 23 Sep, 2021 4:01 PM

      1.85% have received this achievement

    • Two Factored
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    • RavenSplat
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    Congrats to all who were decorated!
    BrunocsfBrunocsf Medals
  6. FNS Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sun 25 Jun, 2023 9:25 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • Gold Contributor
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Subscribe to a monthly Gold Subscription

      Unlocked Fri 12 May, 2023 6:03 PM

      0.35% have received this achievement

    • Editor-and-Chief
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Federation News Service CO

      Unlocked Mon 04 Mar, 2024 2:01 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • A Heartfelt Thank You
      Rare (50 Points)

      Donate over £100 to the UFP

      Unlocked Sun 12 Nov, 2023 12:03 PM

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    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral

      Unlocked Mon 04 Mar, 2024 1:06 PM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Reach reputation tier 6

      Unlocked Tue 12 Mar, 2024 4:01 PM

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    • MrNeal
    • Nesta
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    • RavenSplat
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    Congratulations to everyone who won an award or promotion at last night's ceremony, and well done to everyone involved in producing the show, I listened live and it was very well put together. Personally, can I say thank you to Solace and the Top Brass - being recognised in this way was an honour having only been here a short time, and the commendation was definitely a shock at the end - so thank you.

    (Although I will confess Ravensplat, I am a little envious that I didn't manage to win the Fleet Admiral's Cloth! lol (I feel this needs to be made a thing for sure!)
    WoorLord Medals
  7. Personnel Officer

    • Gold Contributor
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      Unlocked Mon 02 Sep, 2019 12:01 AM

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    • Dedicated
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      Unlocked Fri 13 Nov, 2020 11:07 AM

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    • Eternal Servitude!
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      Unlocked Thu 12 Oct, 2023 8:04 AM

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    • Dean’s List
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Pass all three Academy exams

      Unlocked Mon 24 Jun, 2019 2:04 AM

      3.86% have received this achievement

    • Stepping Forward
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      Going from Clearance Level 3 to Clearance Level 4

      Unlocked Sun 01 Sep, 2019 10:02 AM

      1.85% have received this achievement

    • Firestarter
      Common (10 Points)

      Start a new forum topic

      Unlocked Fri 12 Oct, 2018 2:01 AM

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    • RavenSplat
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    Congrats to everyone recognized!
  8. Leave of Absence

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 25 Sep, 2021 9:23 PM

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    • Pillar of the Community
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      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Tue 27 Aug, 2019 10:03 AM

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    • Scribe
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the Roleplay Division Commanding Officer

      Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM

      0.04% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

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      Unlocked 1 Week Ago

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    • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

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      Unlocked Wed 01 Sep, 2021 8:02 AM

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    • Old School Gamer [Legacy]
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    Well done everyone!! Cool
    Kiflin Medals
    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sun 25 Jun, 2023 9:25 PM

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    • Paragon of Duty
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    • Live Long and Prosper
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    I was wondering what people were talking about in the chat but didn't see anything up front. Thanks for the recognition. I know I have been a little distant lately but my wife is moving to Hawaii in 7 days so I've been dividing my attention. I've already updated my log, but I need to add a supplemental now.
    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 24 Sep, 2022 9:24 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • ...and On and On
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Reach five-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Tue 14 Jun, 2022 8:00 PM

      0.08% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 21 Dec, 2019 10:00 PM

      0.19% have received this achievement

    • Academy Dean
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Fri 18 May, 2018 6:03 PM

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    • Admiral Council
      Rare (50 Points)

      Join the Federation Executive Office

      Unlocked Sun 02 Dec, 2018 3:00 PM

      0.07% have received this achievement

    • Admiral
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      Unlocked Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:08 PM

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    • Remsus
    • RavenSplat
    Reply With QuoteQuote
    Congrats folks!
    Petrarch Medals
  9. Quartermaster

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 14 Oct, 2023 3:06 PM

      0.25% have received this achievement

    • Dedicated
      Rare (50 Points)

      Volunteer for 1+ year

      Unlocked Wed 20 Oct, 2021 6:04 PM

      0.54% have received this achievement

    • To Boldly Go On and On
      Rare (50 Points)

      Reach one-thousand posts on the forums

      Unlocked Sun 11 Sep, 2022 10:04 AM

      0.68% have received this achievement

    • Well Respected
      Uncommon (25 Points)

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      Unlocked Sat 04 Jun, 2022 5:04 PM

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      Unlocked Wed 24 Jun, 2020 11:04 AM

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    • Captain
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    • Remsus
    • RavenSplat
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    Congratulations to you all and my thanks to whoever recommended me for my new medal. Live Long and Prosper
    MrNeal Medals
  10. Recruitment Coordinator

    • Gold Contributor
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      Unlocked Sun 25 Jun, 2023 4:03 PM

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      Unlocked Mon 15 Feb, 2021 8:00 AM

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    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

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      Unlocked Sat 30 Mar, 2024 10:04 PM

      0.48% have received this achievement

    • Academic Inclination
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of Starfleet Academy

      Unlocked Tue 25 Aug, 2015 12:00 AM

      0.47% have received this achievement

    • Lower Decks!
      Common (10 Points)

      Be a member of the STO Division

      Unlocked Mon 19 Aug, 2024 8:06 PM

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    • Starfleet's Finest [Legacy]
      Common (10 Points)

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    Congratz to each one who was recognized! Well deserved!
    Stormy Medals
    What I really need is a cupholder and a couple of Advil.-Quincy Taggart
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    Congratulations, and thanks everyone!
  11. SFA Commanding Officer

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    Congratulations everyone!
    SunfireSunfire Medals
  12. Quartermaster

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    Congratulation to everybody recognized at the June 2023 UFPAC.
    Everybody very well deserved.


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