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[Announcement] - STO Survey Results December 2023

Started By:
Jestersmith, Wed 03 Jan, 2024 8:29 PM
  1. Star Trek Online Executive Officer

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     –  Last edited by Jestersmith; Wed 03 Jan, 2024 8:34 PM.
    STO 240



    Strongly Approve: 20%
    Approve: 14%
    Neutral: 65%
    Disapprove: 1%
    Strongly Disapprove: 0%

    Don’t play the game as it’s boring. But seems the UFP runs it all smoothly
    Bill: Yes, we are very smooth

    Novalance: Thanks, yeah its pretty smooth sailing

    Jestersmith: As the saying goes Smooth like butter

    Bridger: I personally find it entertaining, however it is for sure not everyone's flavour.

    The team is basically only focussed on chasing the highest DPS numbers while not even engaging with the majority of that field in the PVP sector. And doesn't feel welcoming to newer or casual players at all and doesn't seem willing to support players that just wish to get their build to a point they are able to help in TOF's unless they also want to one-shot everything in the map.
    I feel that the incredibly low percentage of UFP members who attend these show this (usually around 1 or 2% of total members based on numbers on the Roster pages)
    Novalance: The "team" as you put it are not solely interested in DPS chasing, the low attendance is actually whats caused the same small amount of people to attend these regularly And PvP is dead its not been a thing in STO for years and years (yes its still there but when was the last PvP Update?) UFP hasn't done PvP in STO for years because there's nothing to show or gain from it.

    Jestersmith: DPS plays a significant role in most games, undoubtedly. It's akin to the bread and butter – everyone wants to deal substantial damage. However, we're not solely focused on that. We recognize the value of a more well-rounded approach, catering to players with diverse interests and playstyles, which would enhance the overall team environment. Yet, we can only operate with what's available at the event. When new players attend, they have the option, when groups are large enough, to engage in random activities or other pursuits.

    Bridger: It is unfortunate that the attendance at Saturday and Sunday events is limited to a small number of players. For new or casual players joining the group, it can be disheartening to find themselves placed in a highly experienced team that swiftly navigates the game with in-depth knowledge of what needs to be done and when.

    It is indeed accurate that we abstain from participating in PvP due to the fundamentally flawed nature of the system, which cannot be effectively regulated. Furthermore, the massive unfairness arises from the substantial stat bonuses granted by the Endeavor System (PvP and PvE). This creates a significant disadvantage for new players, as it would require over three years of daily play to even begin to compensate for the advantages veteran players have accrued.

    Bill: One thing you will find is that no matter what your current level or play style is you can typically find someone to team up with or help with builds or content in the in game chat channel. The events serve a purpose but the are other avenues to pursue to achieve whatever your goals are.

    It seems to me that the STO division of the UFP is focused too much on one thing: PvP and PvE content. This is to the detriment of the division as a whole because as a result of this focus, there is little engagement with- or a not-too-welcoming attitude towards new or casual players that don't want to focus on that PvP or PvE aspect.
    Novalance: What you have just described is basically all you can do while playing STO, 99% of it is PvE content the other 1% is the dead PvP content, theres plenty of engagement but that works both ways, if someone has questions or an issue we are not all of a sudden omnipotent beings that can appear and address it, someone needs to actively tell us! also we are always welcoming towards new members to UFP. one glance at the forums confirms that. its such a shame you feel like this needlessly.

    Jestersmith: Content within the STO division of the UFP needs careful consideration, as it is imperative for us to acknowledge the diverse interests and preferences of our player community. While PvP has been a historical element, the lack of updates from the developers and the dwindling interest in requested events indicate that PvP is now a distant memory. There are a few fleets advocating for PvP, but they are relatively small and restricted. One such fleet occasionally advertises in our Discord.

    The developers seem to have followed a roadmap that primarily steers STO towards a PvE focus. Nevertheless, we currently have open event posts, welcoming individuals to propose and organize events aligned with their interests, whether PvP or PvE. We encourage you to join the team and contribute your ideas, potentially filling the void you perceive in our current events. Your participation could lead to positive changes that better cater to the diverse preferences of our player base. Feel free to get involved and help shape the direction of our gaming experiences within the STO division you can apply for that post anytime HERE.

    Bridger: I'm a bit perplexed by this one. The game was primarily crafted with a focus on both Player-vs-Environment (PvE) and Player-vs-Player (PvP) aspects, although the latter as noted earlier is in rather bad shape.

    Bill: STO has tons of content that is actually solo and an equal amount that is available via the public queue and at whatever skill level you like. The events may be more geared to endgame content, but help is a chat away at any level if needed. Again, in game chat is a great resource.

    Personally, the way I've seen this most is that those attending the UFP's STO events tend to be the same group of veteran players each time - and out of all those that play STO in the UFP, it's a very small group that actively takes part in the events hosted by the STO division.
    Novalance: That's actually something we are working on to try and gain more participation, but that can only happen with willing vict... I mean members!

    Jestersmith: I appreciate your observation, and it's crucial to acknowledge the concerns raised. It's not uncommon for certain events to attract a consistent group of veteran players. While these dedicated individuals contribute significantly to the community, we recognize the importance of expanding participation. These veteran players would like nothing more than to welcome new people to join them, either to receive assistance or, who knows, learn something new. Being a veteran does not preclude one from discovering new aspects of the game.

    We are actively working on initiatives to attract a more diverse player base, including newcomers and casual players. New people and players are always welcome, and we would genuinely appreciate having a full team of fresh faces contributing to our STO events. The primary challenge we face is that we can only work with those who attend, and if no new participants join, things may remain unchanged. Even for regular attendees, this can sometimes lead to a sense of staleness.

    In our efforts to promote inclusivity and consider various gaming preferences, we aim to create events that appeal to a broader audience. We are looking to reintroduce themed events, but given STO and UFP being in a state of transition, it has not materialized as of yet.

    Your feedback is valuable, and we encourage you to share any specific suggestions or ideas you may have to enhance the engagement of a wider range of STO players within the UFP community. Together, we can strive to make our events more accessible and enjoyable for everyone, addressing the challenge of maintaining freshness in our gaming experiences. Additionally, there are openings for spec ops event hosts, and you are more than welcome to apply and make the changes you feel would better accommodate your mindset. HERE. for the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of our events.

    Bridger: We appreciate your feedback and are actively working to make improvements that will enhance the gaming experience for both casual and veteran players. Our goal is to create an enjoyable environment for both groups.

    Bill: All I can say is agree with my colleagues

    Random Comment of Strong approval
    Novalance: Random Receival of comment of strong approval


    Bridger: Thank you!

    Bill: Finally Smile

    Novalance: My favourite Flavour!

    Jestersmith: is that even a flavour and depends on the dish served but spicy is always good

    Bridger: I like Switzerland and Austria.

    Bill: Acceptable

    It's rather quiet
    Novalance: On this forum? Yes, it can be quiet, in-game? there's almost always something going on, either conversations or random pickup groups for TFO's (PvE content)

    Jestersmith: Feel free to make some noise

    Bridger: Feel free to express your gratitude by sending a thank-you message to the Star Trek Online Devs for Delta Rising, the best expansion ever.

    Bill: Would you like explosive?

    pew pew


    Bridger: Why not?

    Bill: Exotic damage only

    elitist only may apply
    Novalance: Well that's not exactly accurate is it? you need to be a UFP member to apply to join the STO Fleets, so I guess your calling all of UFP elitist? what could you possibly mean? If you have any problems I suggest Contacting Myself or Jestersmith so we can look into this for you!

    Jestersmith: Elitist? That's certainly not the atmosphere I've experienced during my time here. If you feel otherwise, I genuinely welcome you to share your perspective so we can address any concerns.

    Throughout my tenure, I've consistently emphasized to our volunteers—the individuals actively contributing in STO and on the UFP forums—that they are volunteers. They generously donate their free time to upkeep our shared interests, receiving no monetary compensation for their efforts. If there's an impression of elitism stemming from these actions, I apologize, but I respectfully disagree. We've consistently aimed for inclusivity, but our possibilities are limited by the engagement we receive.

    If our event schedules are inconvenient for you, please consider taking the lead and hosting an event yourself. You can shape it according to your preferences, whether in space or on the ground. Personally, I find enjoyment even in ground runs and events, so I would gladly participate if my schedule allows.

    If you perceive yourself as non-elite and wish to contribute positively, I encourage you to join us and explore how you can make a difference in shaping our community. Your input is valuable, and together we can work towards creating an environment that aligns with the inclusive values we aspire to uphold.

    Elitist: A rather derogatory term for a player that, though is seen as a good player and has high-end gear that has several Achievements and raid experience, believes that those below them are "noobs" that do not know how to play the game the proper way, though it's only their definition of what the "proper way" is. They are seen as people who will refuse to help other players reach the same level that they are in the game, and are seen as childish when berating others that ask for help on forums or in-game, usually accusing the other person of "trolling" with what could be seen as a legitimate question that they see as something every player should know from the creation of their first player character. They usually only make friends with those who share the same elitist viewpoints as they do.
    Feel free to point out a single individual within the UFP who exhibits such behavior. From my interactions with our community, the individuals I know exemplify a commendable spirit of helpfulness. They willingly share their knowledge to support new players with gear recommendations, trait advice, and build suggestions. Importantly, there's no imposition. The guidance is offered in a supportive and non-coercive manner.

    Bill: There is literally nothing elitist about STO and SFO. All are encouraged to play, interact, volunteer and contribute. No one is excluded and all are welcome.

    Jestersmith Medals
  2. Deputy Head of Gaming

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     –  Last edited by Mack; Wed 03 Jan, 2024 8:40 PM.
    Ah good ol feedback, some of them remind me of my volunteer elitist days.
    Mack Medals
  3. Quartermaster

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      Unlocked Sat 18 Jun, 2022 9:19 PM

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     –  Last edited by Remsus; Wed 03 Jan, 2024 9:58 PM.
    Due personal reasons, I normally only attend and sometimes lead the "Red Alert Fridays" event.

    In the time between September UFPAC 23 till December UFPAC 23 we had at least two new UFP community members joining this particular weekly event.
    As far as my memory serves, on several Fridays we helped them with:

    - random advanced TFOs --> getting needed reputation marks
    - specific elite TFOs --> getting crafting materials
    - run specific story line missions --> getting certain items or crafting possibilities
    - offered advice how to improve their ground and / or space build, often gifting needed items for free

    I only can speak for myself, if I'm taking part I'm always willing to join the fun and mess around group with a weaker build so everybody has fun.
    Remsus Medals
  4. Quartermaster

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    I usually don't join in on fleet events personally as the timing just usually doesn't work out for me, but I'm more than happy to share my time and knowledge of the game when I can, and I'd say that is pretty true for most people in UFP.

    As the leadership has mentioned, STO is a game that has experienced massive power creep over the past 14 years. It does an atrocious job about explaining game mechanics, what is good and bad to use and do, and those differences can sometimes yield a tenfold improvement or more when corrected.

    While unfortunately there is little we can do about things like the multi-year endeavor grind but wish you well and suggest the grinding spots we used, the community has a lot of experience with how to set up ships and how to fly them that can have massive impact on combat performance, and in my experience nobody hordes that knowledge for themselves around here.

    I've personally haven't been online much the last few months due to a busy real life schedule, but I'm hoping to be a bit more active again going forward. If you all see me online, please don't hesitate to ask me questions if you have them and I do try to chime in when I see things posted here in the forums. I don't have all the answers, but happy to share what I can.
    darthnovawave Darthnovawave Medals
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    I used to attend these regularly but my schedule has changed substantially so it's been a while. I do, however, want to say this of my experience. I am a casual player who will NEVER have the most DPS, the fastest ship, or the newest shiny thing. Even so, I have NEVER felt inferior to anyone on the team I was assigned to. In fact, I learned a LOT just by being around players that knew more than I did or had better gear. Basically, the problem may not be as much about elitism as it is about one's perspective. I do sincerely hope there comes a time when I can participate in these events again. I ALWAYS enjoyed them.
    Stormy Medals
    What I really need is a cupholder and a couple of Advil.-Quincy Taggart
  6. Special OPS Commander

    • Commendation
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      Unlocked Sat 30 Dec, 2023 10:13 PM

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      Unlocked Sat 30 Dec, 2023 9:58 PM

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    As one of the Special Operations Commanders, i feel i need to step up as well.
    I can of course only talk about the parts i know - The (weekend) events taking place in STO.
    There are 3 things to do in the game:
    1: Player/Team vs. Environment
    2: Player/Team vs. Player/Team
    3: Role Play

    Lets start off with the "easiest" - Role Play:
    I am sure some people love to play in this way, but this is not what the events were made for.
    For this kind of gaming, i would like to refer you to Ares or even encourage you to create your own event. I would love to see it, even though that is not my style of play.

    Moving over to PvP:
    There are multiple reasons why PvP is rarely, if at all, played.
    The first being the difference in play time, which directly translates into endeavor points and experience.
    Even with a "fair" distribution of experienced and inexperienced players across both teams, the inexperienced players will most likely not have fun being at a disadvantage enforced by game mechanics.
    Second, differences in equipment, traits and abilities. One player with one single trait from one single premium ship is able to outmaneuver a whole team of people that do not know how to counter it or are not equipped to do so.
    Third, personal preference. This game is one of the few that supports teaming without forcing people to play against others. I personally play this game because i can play WITH others, not AGAINST others. I'm sure i'm not the only one with that reasoning.
    And finally, we can't and won't force people to spend money on a system that has never been balanced or gotten to work.
    If you want to play PvP, there are groups that have spent years to set up an environment and rules to somewhat balance players of all skill and equipment levels. Nobody here will stop you from playing with them, if that is your kind of fun.
    There is a player on our Discord going by the name of -S31-DAN- with an active PvP discord. If you want to, contact them.

    Now for the main part: PvE.
    Here, the dog chases its own tail: Yes, we are a group of experienced players with (by now) highly optimized boats flying mainly elite-difficulty content.
    That is the only thing we can do as long as there are not enough people joining us.
    The time played, equipment and stats accrued make it boring for us to fly lower difficulty content AS LONG AS there is no one new/inexperienced flying with us.
    But someone new/inexperienced won't join us, BECAUSE we fly at elite difficulty.
    Each and every single one of us Special Ops Commanders would like to see more people join us for the events.
    We had people showing up - Once. We took a parse* to determine what level they were at at that time (NOT for numbers chasing like some people might think), and they were mostly at a level we all were once. Because we were in the middle of an event and everybody is different, we of course couldn't prepare to help them out. When we were prepared, they never showed up again.
    One of them told me later that they felt they couldn't carry their own weight and were a burden to us. Of course you won't be doing the numbers somebody with an optimized and streamlined build will do right from the start. But that's what these events are for. Helping newer/less experienced players get their builds together, getting the necessary equipment together with them, flying together and having a good time.
    No one will ever be a burden to us as long as he takes part in or suggests activities. And it doesn't matter if it's TFOs for marks, missions for equipment, patrols for levelling characters and/or ships or just doing a story mission for fun.
    Helping a new player with a freshly created character straight out of the tutorial can be just as fun and rewarding as playing an elite TFO successfully.

    I personally have over 20 characters, with only 5 of them being able to fly (or run) that difficulty of missions. Some of the others are played solo regularly, some are way more neglected than they have any right to be. A few of them have made the numbers on the UFP DPS League, sure. But that was a side product of playing with people that were just at that level.

    The sad part about our events is that we don't have enough Special Ops Commanders from the US or AU/NZ to host them at times that are more friendly for those time zones. For me, the events start at 9pm. For the US, that should be 2-5pm, which definitely isn't the most friendly time. Not to mention AU/NZ.
    To change that and get more events scheduled, we need more volunteers.
    Personal note here: I've seen people complain on previous feedbacks that there are no US-friendly events going on, but being asked to volunteer, no one replied or even volunteered. Think of that what you want. And before anyone gets any wise ideas: The ones running these events usually work full time and organize the events in their spare time, so staying up until 4am cet is out of the question.

    *Taking a parse:
    On first sight, measuring and evaluating the damage dealt and damage per second during a TFO or mission.
    On second sight, a quite detailed list about which weapons/abilities were used when, on what, and how much they contributed, how much damage and how many attacks a player took (interesting for i.e. tanks), what the source of the hardest hit was and if that can get boosted further, if there are any abilities countering others, what kind of play style the player prefers and much more.
    These parses are usually shared via teamspeak and are by no means meant to shame people or make fun of them, but to give those with more experience a handle on what to do and how best to help. Also they are a valuable tool for self assessment, if seen like that from the start.

    I hope that has cleared some doubts of a few people we can hopefully welcome to our events soon.
    And i hope to see some of the currently absent players back rather sooner than later.

    Live Long and Prosper
    Rastilion Medals
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     –  Last edited by miahmagick; Thu 04 Jan, 2024 8:21 PM.
    I'd like to chime in here.

    I started STO in late Oct 2023. I don't remember exactly what my DPS was when I first joined the fleet, but I remember it was around 40k-ish. I was split between two different desires, heavy tank and space wizard DPS, and was getting some good information and some outdated from my research elsewhere. I was never once shamed for my DPS, or told I was holding anyone back. They supported me and paired me with others who could help me out until I was able to carry my own weight. They made the experience fun rather than demoralizing, and are a big reason that, instead of STO being a game I tried out once, was pretty fun, but I got bored of, is a game I look forward to playing weekly with the Fleet and am willing to do my small part for the Fleet to give back.

    They helped me out to improve my space wizard as that's what I was doing at the time. When I changed my mind and committed to heavy tank, no one ever went, "- but we gave you advice and gear for space wizard!" They supported me unconditionally and helped me achieve my goals, and I'm now able to act as a heavy tank on Elite w/ around 165-200k DPS, which is respectable for the amount of time I've played.

    The fleet has gone above and beyond to accommodate me as I needed to farm certain maps for materials. How many times did they tell me to improve my DPS, or go farm those mats on my own time? Zero. We did patrols because I requested it, we farmed a ton of Isomags because I requested it, we parsed when it was requested, and they even took me into missions I didn't know I wanted to do to help me get consumables to help me play better. - and I know we'd (myself included) help any new player who joined as much as I was.

    I don't want to dismiss the feelings and experiences of the people who felt the community was "elitist" or "feeling like a burden". Ironically, I missed the event I heard one of these complaints was made, but I would encourage anyone (and have tried with my irl friends) to join us for the events, no matter their level of skill, because I know from first-hand experience that it is a welcoming and supportive community to new players that will go above and beyond to help you achieve your personal STO goals.

    To those of you who gave the events a try, felt the way some of the surveys suggested, and didn't come back, I urge you to give it another shot if you feel remotely like you'd be interested in doing so. No one is going to shame you for your damage, or tell you you're not good enough for not having setups that can trivialize Elite difficulty. If you feel self-conscious about it, voice that, and let us reassure you. If you want to be better, let us help you. I was helped more than I'll probably ever be able to repay save to pay forward.

    You are wanted and welcome here.
    Miahmagick Medals
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    There's not much to add at this point with what has been said by our team. Still, I like emphasize that I fully concur with those statements. From my point of view it is unfair on the other hand to bring up accusations like those in the feedback. All positions held in the division are volunteers. Specifically, Spec Ops Commanders are working hard and spending their free time to create a welcoming and engaging environment for veteran players as well as new faces.

    I have been with the UFP for more than seven years now. Many if not most of the things I know about STO I learned from my fellow fleet mates who were incredibly helpful by sharing knowledge, assisting in-game, and even giving away pricy ressources without asking for any compensation. Due to real life reasons I am not able to join the events every week but I never experienced anything I would consider "elitist".

    Of course, the veterans in our fleet (I think I could possibly count myself in as well) are on an elite level in their builds now and therefore always are looking for a challenge by chasing the numbers and/or playing the most difficult elite TFOs. Still, I never felt any elitist behaviour - on the contrary as many here already pointed out. Newer members are welcomed, the events are adapted to the level of participants, and everyone is trying to help out to make builds better. And this is not limited to the events. Questions in the forum or in-game chat are basically answered around the clock.

    In the end, it comes down to what people want or would wish for. For instance, if something like beginner runs and walkthroughs would be of interest, step up and let us know. Most of us also have a tank or support build at hand for testing or giving some ropes as well as a DPS build to carry through more difficult gameplay. Speaking for myself I would be more than happy to help out in such endeavours.
    TTan Medals
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    I'd like to take a moment to step into this discussion because I believe my particularly unique experience can offer some insight here.

    First and foremost, I am obviously not a new person to the UFP nor am I new to STO, having been playing it since the Open Beta in January 2010. I am not however an 'elite player'. I never really have been. I joined the UFP in 2014 and thought I knew the game well - back then it was actually a real challenge compared to now to do the "deeps".

    I basically gave up on STO around 2018 or so because I became bored and listless with the game, but prior to that, I was a very regular player. I used to be an SFO Away Team Leader before becoming the SFO CO. I was a member of the 'Elite Strike Force' as it was back then, which was aimed at helping players run end-game content. I learned so much from people in that group about how to play this game. Naturally, there were number-chasers back then as there are now, but I don't feel that they made up the majority. They were a really dedicated group of wonderful people who gave up hours of their free time every week to help everyone - from new player to grizzled oldie - run queues and the like. Hell, I'm old enough to remember Bill's wonderful "Intro to Ground" every Wednesday.

    So, what has all this got to do with the "Elitist" feedback I hear you bemoaning at my long-ass waffling.

    Simple. I have recently started playing STO again after nearly five years out of playing it. My knowledge, experience and builds were designed for the game of 6+ years ago and therefore my playstyle is massively antiquated. When I was appointed back onto FEO, I decided to attend both a Friday night and a Saturday night STO TFO event hosted by the talented Spec Op Commanders of the STO Division. I was cocky, I thought I could play at a high enough level to keep up with everyone. I was wrong. I was very wrong. They were amazing and I felt like a complete and total n00b. They could speed-run an Elite in times that would make my old ESF comrades blink. I felt humbled and more than a little humiliated at my hubris.

    But they didn't lord it over me. They didn't mock me. They didn't do anything that I would brand as 'Elitist' in any way shape or form. Elite players tend to be cocky and brimming with confidence, because they know they are the best at what they do and like to remind people of that fact. No one from either of those events did that. They saw how I was struggling and we took time out to discuss what my ship build was, what I was aiming to do, what I needed to do, and eventually I improved in just under an hour. Was I setting record numbers? No. Was I better? Yes.

    Thanks to their help (and Bridger's as well) my game has considerably improved and I am playing at a much better level and am comfortable in what I do. I'm not an 'elite' player. I can't demolish a TFO in under 9 seconds. But I am a great asset to a team now, that I wasn't before. Before you say "Oh, well, you're a CL6, of course they're going to be nice to you" you're wrong - my title/colour had nothing whatsoever to do with it. They were just nice, kind, supportive and caring players who took time out of their day to help other players so that they could enjoy the game as much as they do.

    So, if you think kind-hearted volunteers who just so happen to have played the game enough to be able to clear Infected Elite in less time than it takes to fart, but take the time to help people get to their level are "elite" then yes, they are Elite as hell. Wear that title with pride! I'd have you in old ESF in a heartbeat because THAT mindset is what we were all about back in the day - making sure every player regardless of ability had FUN.

    So yes, you are Elite. You are the best of us. You are what the UFP prides itself on.

    It might have been thrown at you as an insult, but I think you should wear it as a badge of honour. You have more than earned it.
    KerryMalone Medals
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    I’m also gonna weigh in on this one:

    As a former Spec Ops commander I tried my best to foster an atmosphere that was welcoming, fun and open for players to come hang out for an hour or two regardless of skill, ability, build or mindset. We were all there to have fun, having worked with a lot of the fine folks that still work for the STO Division, I can say with certainty and with pride that they are not in any way shape or form ‘Elitist’.

    Yes the game suffers massively from powercreep but thats nobodies fault, yes there are people who enjoy number chasers and those that like to speed around in a Tuffli class shouting pew pew! I haven’t played STO regularly for about 2 years now and my build probably isn’t even close to optimal these days but you know what? I don’t care because I know if I fancied hopping back into for an event I’d be welcomed by everybody.

    The guys who run these events do a fantastic job and honestly I feel like generically levelling an ‘Elitst’ accusation at everyone in the division is extremely disingenuous and frankly insulting. I encourage those who have concerns regarding this to reach out via PM to the STO command team or even FEO.
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    Also gonna share my experience on this one,
    While I never have participated in many events (I generally don't have the time), every time I did participate it was extremely fun and everyone was quite helpful. So helpful that I wish I could participate in more events honestly. There is no elitism present at all and all of the persons who participate and are well versed in chasing DPS and making builds in STO are always willing to help.
    BrunocsfBrunocsf Medals
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    I'm also going to put my two cents in.

    As a former Raid Leader in WoW, I've seen my share of elitism and elitist behavior. In my time in UFP, I've never experienced it, nor have I seen any complaints about it. In WoW, which can be a very toxic environment, you'll get people who shout obscenities if someone does an ability at the wrong time. You'll be kicked from PUGs for the smallest of things. Trust me, I've experienced that.

    The ones posting the parses here are the ones who can help. They don't boast, they don't do it to show off; they do it to show what's possible. Those are the people to reach out to if you want help and they will absolutely help you.

    True story: I participated in the event that took place earlier today. I thought I was doing pretty good DPS until I saw the parse. I was dead last with 2.2k DPS on ISE. Instead of the team getting upset and putting me down for doing so little damage, I was given pointers on how I can get better. Right now, my ship equipment is all over the place and I'm slowly getting that sorted. If that happened anywhere else, you better believe you'd be kicked from the group and replaced. Once again, I can't count how many times I saw someone say in a WoW raid PUG that anyone under X amount of damage would be kicked. In UFP, that doesn't happen. We've been going strong for 22 years and that's because we have an extremely supportive STO Staff Team who looks out for other members and helps them improve.

    Long story short, while I've experienced elitism in other games/communities, I've never experienced it here. If someone does act out of line, I encourage you to report it to our leadership so that it can be addressed. We're all part of the same community and the helpful nature of the community is what has made it so successful.
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    Pretty sure there's no elitist attitude within the UFP players in STO.
    Yes the regular events tend to have the same members all the time (and only a small number of members) but that's because they are the ones interested in regular events and partake as a group of friends. New, old, or returning members are always welcome; as are non-UFP players who are still in the UFP in-game chat. It's always been open to everyone!
    I don't join often due to out of game commitments but it's always been friendly and any content suggestions were welcome.
    If you want to play a specific mission or just tune a build, finish an endeavour or whatever; just ask.

    STO as a game is poorly optimised for damage output of players sadly. Veteran players and newbies all get lumped in together and have to fend for themselves. Powercreep also means a lot of players are stupidly powerful now with little effort; not great for trying to run events with a mix of people.
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    I was elitist once back in my EverQuest days. I thought I was helping the Guild in that attitude. I learned I was being an utter jack-ass to another person in the real world. I didn't get the chance to apologize for that.

    Just sayin'