Posted 4 Weeks Ago –
Last edited by Heyallo; 4 Weeks Ago.
Marking as Error, please follow the guide to take a picture of your character located here
Also, your ship image is of low size/quality, along with copyright information displayed in the corner, please choose another, or alternatively follow the guide linked on how to take a picture of your ship in game.
"What good is a rule if you're not willing to die for it...? Or break it."
Capt. Christopher Pike
Merging signature requests, please reply to the original thread. This is also incorrect, we have provided you with a link to the guide you need to use in order to provide a character image screenshot.
Detailed below are the guides for the currently supported uniforms for use in signatures and how to change your lighting. These colour codes have been updated due to STO expanding the colour palette in Star Trek Online. Please use these colour codes when making your signature request.
Changing your lighting - ESSENTIAL
First, before we do anything, we must change the lighting system in STO for use in making our character image. The UFP has decided to use the original lighting system because Lighting 2.0 is too bright and white-washed. Therefore we must change it.
First you must press ESC and then go to Options
Then you must go to Graphics
You must then click Off where it says Lighting 2.0 like shown in the above image.
Then click Apply and OK.
Now you may proceed to enter the tailor to create your character image
Uniform Colour Codes
Now you can select the following uniforms and use the following colour codes to create your character image. Make sure you select Default lighting.
Note a facial Borg Implant is permitted for all uniforms. The head visor worn by Geordi La Forge in TNG is also permitted. The fleet badge is not permitted and must be removed for signatures. If it's not specified that an item can be used, then assume its not permitted.
TNG/DS9 Admirals uniform may be worn by the admiralty.
TNG series uniform can use the GEN/DS9/VOY Combadge if preferred. TNG Season 1 Admirals uniform can be worn by the admiralty.
Female KDF characters may use the windowed chest piece if desired
Note that no other item pieces other then those specified below will be accepted. Where the category has not been specified, the category should be None. Please note a sash is not permitted due to clipping issues.
Upper: Klingon 2409 Hands: Bare Undershirt/Accessory: Furry Sleeves Wrists (Both Left and Right): Klingon 2409 Badge: Klingon Empire Back: Klingon 2409 Collar: Klingon 2409 Shoulder Pads (Both Left and Right): Klingon 2409 Lower: Klingon 2409 Belt: Klingon 2409 Hips Attach Left: None Hips Attach Right: None
Due to colour palette issues in STO, we have not provided dagger colours. We only use the top part of a character image so the dagger wouldn't be visible anyway
Note that no other item pieces other then those specified below will be accepted
Upper: Romulan 24th Century Padded Camo Chestgear: Romulan 24th Century Lower: Romulan 24th Century Belt: Romulan 24th Century
Note that no other item pieces other then those specified below will be accepted
Upper: Romulan Tal Shiar Top Hands: Romulan Republic 1 Lower: Standard
Note that this uniform is only permitted for members holding Admiral/Commodore ranks on the forums. Also, no other item pieces other then those specified below will be accepted
Upper: Romulan 24th Century Padded Tile Chestgear: Romulan 24th Century Lower: Romulan 24th Century Belt: Romulan 24th Century
Note that no other item pieces other then those specified below will be accepted
Bajoran Only
These two uniforms use the upper "Bajoran 2", and the Command uniform should only be used by Bajoran characters, the Operations one can be used by any member.
All Characters
These can be used by anyone in a signature, the upper used is for these uniforms is "Bajoran 1".
This is a conversion of ranks from the STO Bajoran uniforms to Starfleet ranks, which we use on the forum, while it might not be an accurate conversion, it is all we have access to!
Do you require a character image to be created for you?
Preferred Signature Rank
Custom Displayed Rank (Changed via MyUFP)
Primary Position
Starfleet Officer
Federation/Klingon Variant
Federation (default)
Subscription Status
Hey there Ayame,
The character image still isn't correct, it needs to be take while using the ingame tailor, with the greenscreen turned on and lightning 2.0 turned off.
Open your settings > Graphics > Lightning 2.0 - Turn this to off.
Next to go the tailor on ESD > Edit your uniform and at the bottom change the background to green screen.
Lastly open the ingame text chat and type the following commands /renderscale 2, then /screenshot_jpg.
This will take a high resolution screenshot which you can find where your STO is installed in a folder called 'screenshots' upload that image and reply to it here.
In case this helps, follow these steps:
Section 3 - Character Image Screenshots
We ask that all character image screenshots are taken in the Star Trek Online tailor with Lighting 2.0 turned OFF. Follow the steps below to disable Lighting 2.0. We also now request you use the new Green Screen function available in STO's tailor, you can view how to do this by following the screenshots below.
First you must press ESC ==> Options ==> Graphics
When you are using STO's tailor system you will notice that your character will sway and move around occasionally, making it more difficult to get a screenshot. We can prevent this by clicking the button highlighted in the screenshot below:
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
Step Four:
To enhance the resolution of your character screenshot, type "/renderscale 2" or "/renderscale 3" (minus the ") in chat while in the tailor interface. Don't forget to return the settings to normal by typing "/renderscale 1" in chat before exiting the tailor otherwise your computer might protest.
Here is a quick video showcasing how to use these commands and disable lighting 2.0 in game:
If you do not play STO, then a member of the Graphics Team will be happy to create a character for you. Just let us know in the comments section of the signature request form if there is something specific you are looking for