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UFPAC March 2011

Started By:
LynxMukka, Sat 26 Mar, 2011 10:10 PM
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    UFPAC March 2011
    Hosted By Bondgadget76, LynxMukka & Reggie

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    • Promotion to Commander
    • Conduct Medal
    • Federation Star
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Personal Achievement Award

    This member has continued to show activity and skill in a plethora of games that puts Adster94 above and beyond many gamers in the Star Trek community today. He’s been able organise events, manage them and see them through until they’re complete whether it’s in Starfleet Operations or indeed Starfleet Reserves. His improvement in gaming skill and his growing involvement with the {UFP} itself with now over 10 months on his back as a fleet member, Adster94 has gained a lot of achievements in such a short space of time. In particular the growth of activity in the Reserves division because of his leadership that many have failed to do in the past is one of the greatest achievements of them all.
    For this I am pleased to promote him to the rank of Commander and he is receiving the Conduct Medal, the Federation Star, Medal of Excellence and the Personal Achievement Award. Congratulations!

    Ash Wallis
    • Promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer
    • Starfleet Medal

    Ash Wallis over the period of his membership so far has displayed activity that is above quite a number of others in the Starfleet Operations division. His notable commitment, contributions and participation in events are actions that others would do to follow. His willingness to help out new members when they’re unsure of how certain aspects of the game works or indeed how the fleet works means I would like to promote him to the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer and will be receiving the Starfleet Medal. Congratulations!

    • Promotion to Lieutenant
    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Conduct Medal
    • Starfleet Medal

    Dodgers has become a staple of the Starfleet Operations division member base and is a popular figure on TeamSpeak, most probably because he’s a down to earth figure with a calming presence. He’s always displayed a constant flurry of activity in maintaining the fleet bank, posting on the forums or contributing on TeamSpeak. He’s shown over the past few months that he’s willing to do whatever, even drop what he was doing to help a fellow fleet member. His consistent activity in attending fleet events whether its day or night is a trait that is highly worth of what Dodgers is receiving today. He’s displayed great ability in overcoming difficult situations on Star Trek: Online by improvising for solutions in ways that others have not thought of, this was particularly shown during the Romulan episodes.

    So without further ado, Dodgers is being promoted to the rank of full Lieutenant, receiving the Combat Readiness Medal, the Conduct Medal and the Starfleet Medal, congratulations!


    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Red Crest
    • Starfleet Medal

    This reasonably new officer of Starfleet Headquarters has already made a lasting impact on the fleet in a relatively short space of time. Fallenafar’s dedication in whatever job that he’s doing whether it’s in the Diplomatic Corps or Internal Affairs is a rare sight to see and is definitely someone to watch as time goes by. His organizing of the PvP match with Starfleet and an episode run on Star Trek: Online with 3rd Fleet are both events members are sure to remember for a while. He’s surpassed anyone’s expectations in Starfleet Operations and the Diplomatic Corps department. More recently this consistent trend of initiative has been displayed in Internal Affairs as he took on the ropes from Grim Shepard as Internal Affairs Executive Officer.

    For his valued and most appreciated contributions to the fleet, I’d like to congratulate Fallenafar since he’s receiving the Fleet Loyalty Commendation, the Red Crest and the Starfleet Medal.

    Grace Pryde

    • Promotion to Lieutenant JG
    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Starfleet Medal

    Grace Pryde is a reasonably quiet member, who may not be known to some around the fleet, but her activity in the {UFP} forums and of course the Star Trek: Online forums has been much appreciated and noticed by many higher up in the chain of command. The bumping of the fleet’s recruitment thread is something that she has spent her time to do where many others haven’t even necessarily bothered to look at.

    Grace is an extremely dedicated member within the Starfleet Operations division, taking part in most events particularly PvP and can be depended on that she’ll show her skills, matching anyone to a challenge. Grace Pryde is therefore being awarded the Combat Readiness Medal, the Fleet Loyalty Commendation and the Starfleet Medal, as well as this she’s being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, congratulations!

    Grim Shepard

    • Federation Star

    Grim Shepard has been an active component for the running of the fleet for a while now, working for over 10 months in both the Internal Affairs department and Starfleet Academy. He’s worked relentlessly to make sure that the fleet and its administrative aspects remain running. While he has now departed from Starfleet Headquarters, it is only fair he is awarded the Federation Star as an expression of our appreciation for his work, congratulations.

    Jaden Dax

    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Starfleet Medal

    Jaden Dax has proven to be an honest and willing member of the Starfleet Operations division over the past few months, assisting any fleet member not only with Bank Requests as part of his duties as a Finance Officer but also in general. He’s helped to maintain the recently opened Fleet Store which is thriving thanks to his and Dodgers efforts. For his notable commitment and contributions particularly with the fleet events in Star Trek: Online, he’s receiving the Combat Readiness Medal and the Starfleet Medal, congratulations!

    James W. Darelock

    • Federation Star

    James W. Darelock has been a rather reserved member as of late and perhaps somewhat out of view; however he’s been in the fleet for quite a significant amount of time and continues to help contribute to the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps department in very much an appreciated way. For this I am awarding him the Federation Star, congratulations!

    Jason Howard

    • Promotion to Full Lieutenant
    • Legion of Merit
    • Starfleet Medal

    Jason Howard is next on the recommendations list and he’s been observed as one of the most active members currently in the Starfleet Operations division. Anyone that puts themselves out from the rest, particularly in such a large group in which the division is, is a successful achievement in itself and that is exactly what Jason Howard has done. Throughout what some might define as a tough period, he was hard at work creating events for the fleet members to enjoy and successfully doing so. He’s done a great job in striving for the em-betterment of the division, always being punctual and putting his best foot first. For this he is being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and being awarded the Legion of Merit and the Starfleet Medal, nice one!


    • Conduct Medal
    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Personal Achievement Award

    Today Jordan is receiving the Conduct Medal, the Fleet Loyalty Commendation and the Personal Achievement Award. His Starfleet Academy map that he released earlier this year has revolutionized the way people look at rpgxEF, his map’s graphics and layouts present very little comparison with other maps that truly displays excellence. With this, he’s continued to show his dedication within the {UFP}, working in the Diplomatic Corp department to deal with the daily diplomatic matters that confront the fleet and working as a Recruit Support Officer. Jordan takes part in various fleet events, often lifting the fleet’s image in the process whether it’s in Bridge Commander or Star Trek: Online. So congrats Jordan!

    Joshua A. Broughm

    • Medal of Excellence

    This next member has continued to display his activity and dedication to the fleet, the winner of our first Short Story Competition and a consistent story writer on the forums. For this, I’d like to congratulate Joshua A. Broughm since he’s receiving the Medal of Excellence.


    • Promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer
    • Starfleet Medal

    The next member on our list is Juice who today is being promoted to the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer and is being awarded the Starfleet Medal. His notable commitment in the Starfleet Operations division and his continued contributions to the fleet as a whole, such as showing up and excelling in fleet events makes Juice a worthy member to look out for.


    • Promotion to Lieutenant JG
    • Combat Readiness Medal
    • Conduct Medal
    • Starfleet Medal

    Lazereth has become increasingly involved with inner fleet affairs since joining the Internal Affairs department as a staff member earlier this year, displaying values of a true Starfleet officer when it comes to approaching him and discussing issues in relation to IA. Always showing to be punctual and polite in any situation whether it’s helping members or coming onto TeamSpeak for general banter.

    His involvement in the divisions has also been a positive sign of Lazereth’s skill and dedication. He’s taken part in most if not all of the Reserve games that have taken place and has in particular, been active in posting battle reports. So without further ado, Lazereth is being promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and is being awarded the Combat Readiness Medal, the Conduct Medal and indeed the Starfleet Medal.


    • Promotion to Admiral
    • Fleet Admiral's Cross

    LynxMukka has showcased a great deal of positive attributes which point towards clear leadership capabilities of the highest calibre. He has become a key component not only to Starfleet Command but to the entire fleet itself. When someone becomes as indispensable as LynxMukka, these distinctions should naturally follow. He represents the best of the UFP and is looked up to by most if not all members. He is always willing to help out and does everything that is asked of him and more. For his long continued and unfailing dedication to duty, LynxMukka will be receiving the Fleet Admirals Cross and a Promotion to Admiral. Congratulations LynxMukka!


    • Federation Order of Merit

    This next member has come a long way since he entered the Starfleet Headquarters team this time last year, from Commanding the Federation News Network to a new era to now being the Commanding Officer of Internal Affairs. He clearly spends a lot of his time working in various areas of the fleet, indeed he’s involved in the array of divisions the fleet has and all of the administrative departments of the {UFP}.

    His consistent, exemplary attitude to volunteering his skills and time, and the thought and consideration he places into the important decisions that his responsibilities ask of him are all qualities that the medal he’s receiving today all go beyond. His dependability, reliability and knowledge makes Mikester92 one of the best members the {UFP} has at the moment and I’m therefore proceeding to give him the Federation Order of Merit, congratulations!


    • Distinguished Service Cross

    Neo has become one of the staple members of the fleet, with his dedication to the {UFP} and his unique skills that makes Neo a very dependable member. He’s grown to be a highly popular member on TeamSpeak, playing various games with members and assisting those that are in need. More recently, Neo’s work on the New Website and his valued assistance in the transfer to the new site is second to none with the rest of the fleet. The engineering he’s done with maintaining the TeamSpeak server, the Minecraft server amongst others is highly appreciated by all the members that use them.

    Neo has shown that even through tougher times, it’s possible to stick through it and continue to be an officer that makes a difference. His enthusiasm and determination is one of the greatest characteristics that Neo has. I would therefore like to award him the Distinguished Service Cross, congratulations!

    • Starfleet Medal

    NXwolf has continuously performed his duties as a Starfleet Operations event officer with dedication, hosting a wide range of events for the US Timezone based members that has been highly appreciated by the division staff. For this I would like to congratulate him since he is receiving the Starfleet Medal.

    • Promotion to Lieutenant
    • Federation Star
    • Starfleet Medal

    The next member has very much proven their dedication as fleet member and has always displayed an exception skill in Star Trek: Online since it released in early 2010, particularly during PvP events. In fact Picard2010 is one of the older members of the fleet, being a member way before a lot of those in the {UFP} at the moment.
    For Picard’s active participation and continuous assistance that they provide, Picard2010 is being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant as well as receiving the Federation Star and the Starfleet Medal, congrats!

    • Distinguished Service Cross
    • Valor Award

    Reggie has contributed a great deal to the fleet, more than meets the eye perhaps. Reggie’s recent efforts with the new website I know have been appreciated by everyone working on it, particularly with all of the fancy animations to do with the LCARS, and the party trick as its been coined, the warping effect. Also, the revamp he’s given to the fleet’s awards are outstanding and definitely an achievement worth recognizing. A lot of the work he’s done is also behind the scenes, in Starfleet Command and previously in the Starfleet Personnel department; with so many members it’s no easy feat to manage an entire member base. I’d like to personally convey my thanks to Reggie, who has now passed one year in Starfleet Command and continues to go strong. So congratulations Reggie, you’re receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and the Valor Award.

    • Federation Star
    • Nebula Star

    To quite a few, this member is one of the most popular in the Starfleet Operations division. Today Seeker is receiving the Federation Star and the Nebula Star medal. He’s shown his loyalty and dedication to the work that he has done during his tenure so far as the Starfleet Operations XO. He’s always shown he is willing to go the extra mile in helping out members and always tries to do his best when doing his job. Seeker has most certainly displayed creativity when trying to resolve certain issues such as coming up with the inner workings of the Fleet Store amongst other things.

    Over the past few months, Seeker has also displayed a new interest in Starfleet Reserves, always ready to play Bridge Commander at any time and always has shown up to all events that have been hosted on Armada 2 or indeed BC. So congratulations Seeker.

    • Promotion to Lieutenant JG
    • Conduct Medal

    A very enjoyable and funny person to be around, Setsuna is a prime example of a member whose activity within the fleet is apparent and is always on TeamSpeak. He has a great personality and a real character that everyone enjoys, it has been a joy to work with him and play games with too. For valued and enjoyable contributions to fleet in game and outside of game I am proud to present him with a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and the Conduct Medal.

    • Starfleet Medal

    This next member, Silynn, has been very active when it comes to attending to events and whenever something is asked of him he’s always one of the first ones to offer help. Particularly recently in a Cure event, his dedication and enthusiasm despite doing it so soon before, is a wonderful attitude that has been praised by several members. Therefore, Silynn is being awarded the Starfleet Medal, good work!

    • Conduct Medal
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Starfleet Medal

    Stormy is a very new member of the fleet but has already shown a great deal of activity that brings a breath of fresh air into the mix. His growing role on the forums in various topics, his participation and of course winning of the Short Story Competition in February all makes Stormy a member to watch. He jumped right into our community, creating proposals for the betterment of the fleet with a cool head and logic. I would therefore like to congratulate Stormy since he is receiving the Conduct Medal, the Medal of Excellence and the Starfleet Medal.

    • Legion of Merit
    • Medal of Excellence
    • Starfleet Medal

    Tallaris is the next member on our list and I think it’s safe to say that throughout his time in the fleet so far he’s certainly displayed a healthy amount of enthusiasm in the running of the Diplomatic Corps department, often assisting the Commanding Officer, Jordan, throughout its revitalisation. He’s on TeamSpeak every day and has shown what it takes to be a hard working officer in the fleet. He’s consistently shown his participation in an array of Fleet Events where he is almost always on time, which is indeed a highly desirable trait. He is therefore receiving, the Legion of Merit, the Medal of Excellence and the Starfleet Medal. Congratulations!

    • Starfleet Medal

    The next member on our list is TheWasian who today is being awarded the Starfleet Medal. His notable commitment in the Starfleet Operations division and his continued contributions to the fleet as a whole, such as showing up and excelling in fleet events makes him a worthy member to look out for.

    • Legion of Merit

    Washproof is a reasonably new member of the fleet and has so far displayed characteristics which show a lot of potential for his future career in the fleet. His work in the Signature Creation team has been highly appreciated and has settled in very well so far. So congratulations Washproof, you’re receiving the Legion of Merit!

    • Fleet Loyalty Commendation
    • Starfleet Medal

    The final member on the general list then is Zach. Previously known as Arma, he hasn’t been a member of the fleet for too long although is sure a familiar face which began when he was the Ambassador to {UFP} from 9th Fleet. In the short space of time he’s been in the fleet he’s provided assistance in Internal Affairs as a staff member, advertising the fleet in various forums and promoting the {UFP} in a positive light. Zach’s also attended various fleet events in Starfleet Operations and the Reserves division. Therefore he’s receiving the Fleet Loyalty Commendation and the Starfleet Medal, so congratulations Zach.
    LynxMukka Medals
    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer


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    • Correspondent
      Rare (50 Points)

      Submit a Federation News Service article

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      Leave Starfleet for a career in the Federation Government

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    Congratulations to everyone who received awards and promotions.
    ChristopherHalsey Medals
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      Leave Starfleet for a career in the Federation Government

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    • Admiral
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    Video Link has been updated.
    LynxMukka Medals
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    • Admiral
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    • Vice Admiral
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    • To Boldly Go On and On
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    • A Heartfelt Thank You
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    Great chance to catch the UFPAC in case you missed it!
    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

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    • At the Helm
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    • To Boldly Go On and On
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    • Rear Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

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    • Commodore
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      Unlocked Thu 31 Jan, 2013 10:48 PM

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    • Tour of Duty
      Uncommon (25 Points)

      RSVP to ten events via the Events System


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    Yeah Congratz to Everyone, Good Night of rewards Smile

    Seeker Medals