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House of Kular FAQ

Started By:
Novalance, Sun 23 Aug, 2020 8:39 PM
  1. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet
    Master Chief Petty Officer of the Fleet

    Star Trek Online Commanding Officer

    • Commendation
      Commendation (150 Points)

      Awarded during the UFP Award Ceremony to those who go above and beyond for the community

      Unlocked Sat 19 Dec, 2020 10:23 PM

      0.24% have received this achievement

    • Highly Decorated
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Receive every medal the UFP has to offer

      Unlocked Sat 22 Dec, 2018 11:00 PM

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    • Pillar of the Community
      Very Rare (100 Points)

      Be a registered user for 10 years

      Unlocked Sat 12 Feb, 2022 12:04 PM

      36.01% have received this achievement

    • Captain on the Bridge
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be the STO Division Commanding Officer

      Unlocked 4 Weeks Ago

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    • Head of the House [Legacy]
      Rare (50 Points)

      Be Head of the House of Kular

      Unlocked Wed 09 Jan, 2019 1:01 PM

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    • Admiral
      Rare (50 Points)

      Receive a promotion to the rank of Admiral

      Unlocked Sat 26 Sep, 2020 8:59 PM

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    Join Date
    Feb 12 2012
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    • Sul-Matuul
    HOK 240

    Below are a few simplified Questions and Answers to help new members of the community (and veterans if they require it)

    sto hok sep

    Q: Why do we have a dedicated Klingon Fleet?
    A: Star trek online has 2 separate main factions Starfleet or Klingon defense force. We have a dedicated Klingon fleet (and now a full armada) to cater to our members.

    Q: I have been accepted as a member of UFP. How do I get invited to the Klingon fleet?
    A: Easy. Just click on this link and fill out the form and an officer will get you invited to the fleet as quickly as possible

    Q: Can I have Alts in the fleet? How are they invited?
    A: Yes you can, the same form you filled out here can be used to invite your alts to the fleets. However, different fleets have different character limits. For the House of Kular, members are limited to 3 characters in the main fleet. Any additional character can be invited to the House of Kular Reserve Fleet

    Q: How do I become a full member?
    A: Once you are accepted to UFP, there is a two week waiting period before your characters can be promoted to Full Member status. If you are new to the community, the officer inviting to the in-game fleet will let you know the date you become eligible for Full Member status in the invite thread, and the HoK staff keeps a close eye on the invite forum to be sure members are promoted on time and with as little hassle as possible.

    Q: Do I get better benefits by becoming a full member?
    A: As a cadet you are unable to access the fleet bank or buy equipment from the fleet holdings. As a full member you are then allow 3 withdrawals per 24 hour period and able to purchase fleet equipment. You are eligible for further promotion and various positions within the fleet and UFP community provided you have taken the proper Academy courses.

    Q: There are a lot of Academy Courses. Do I need to take them all?
    A: No, you only need to take the Entrance Exam in order to become a full member, or the courses which are prerequisites for obtaining a position within the UFP community.

    Q: What are the other opportunities for promotion you mentioned?
    A: Our division has similar positions to SFO (our Starfleet side of operations) such as Personnel Officer or Quartermaster. If you take the Command Course and the Administration Course (in addition to the Entrance Exam required to become a full member), you can apply for one of these positions. Other Departments/Divisions have positions available at times for all members to apply for. The required courses you need for these positions will be found in the posting and those postings can be found here.

    Q: Can I get more then one job or promotion within UFP?
    A: Yes, you can take on as many jobs as you think you can handle but if you proceed up the command ladder you can only be a CO/XO of 1 Department or Division at a time.

    Q: I see others with a UFP signature. How can I get one?
    A: Another form to fill out but if you follow this link it will explain the process how to fill out the form and what you will need to get a signature and a quote.

    Q: Am I required to wear a uniform?
    A: We do have fleet uniforms and you are only required to wear them during Fleet sponsored social events. Any other time you can wear whatever uniform you wish.

    Q: Are there any requirements for being a fleet member?
    A: UFP has only one requirement and that you sign in once a month and answer the roll call. Upon log in members will be prompted to sign an active roll call otherwise the roll call can be found here and is open from 1st to 16th every three months.

    Q: Am I required to participate in a certain amount of events or TFO's per week or month?
    A: Not at all, you play the game the way you want to play it, feel free to join in any events there's no attendance requirement like other online games.

    Q: I am new to STO, how can I get help if I get stumped?
    A: Yes, you can always ask ingame via the channel we have setup for communication between all fleets Fed or KDF look at the guide here to make sure your in that channel. we also recommend requesting assistance on the UFP forums so you can get advice from as many people as possible. You can also contact an officer as well either in game or by forum PM and they will be glad to assist if they are not busy with an event or STF.

    Q: I have been assigned an RSO, can they help me in game?
    A: RSOs are assigned to help you with the settling in process to UFP itself since it can be a daunting and confusing couple of weeks. Since our RSOs are not strictly members of STO but other parts of the UFP as well they might not have access to STO. The best thing is to ask for help in game or make a post on our forums asking for help. The forum for posting for help and advice is here.

    Q: I have a member bothering me what can I do about this?
    A: While it may seem the easiest option to just ignore someone, we feel that the best solution is to contact either the SFO commanding officer which is Mack or the House of Kular General Novalance who can sort out any problems

    Q: If I am not online for a month will I be removed from the fleet?
    A: No, you will not be removed if you have not logged in for a month. You will be removed from the community if you do not sign the roll call which occurs every 3 months and you do not have a Leave Of Absence (LOA) in place. You may also be removed from the in-game fleets if you have not signed on with a character within a certain period. The House of Kular's removal policy can be seen in greater detail here.
    We suggest if you are going to be away for an extended period of time is to fill out a Leave of Absence (LoA) form to cover and extended absence. These can be found in your MyUFP control panel here.

    Q: I have an idea for an event how do I get it scheduled?
    A: Anyone can create an event under the events section of the UFP website, when setting a date and time please use common sense so that there are not a lot of events all set for the same dates and times, secondly, you can if you wish, create a thread as an advert to allow users to know when/what your event is and allow them to post feedback on your event. And if you enjoy hosting events, you can always join our Special Forces team!

    Q: Do we get cookies?
    A: No, Klingon Warriors do not get cookies. We like live ghah accompanied with some blood wine, which ultimately is better then cookies. Cookies don't move!
    Novalance Medals