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FEO and Website September Roll Call Feedback

Started By:
Three of Seven, Thu 17 Oct, 2019 12:40 PM
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    FEO have looked over the comments from the last survey and provided their responses to them. A number of other divisions and departments have and will continue to post their survey results in due time. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the survey and a special thanks to those who left comments. You can still submit feedback via the contact form if there is something you wish to send us. Or you can drop me a PM and I will respond in reasonable time.

    This is the first survey we ran which required disapprovalto have a reason attached without revising the stats, you can read more about this here. Remember that comments left in these surveys are 100% anonymous, no one will know it was you if you say "I hate Three of Seven, she's useless!", and I won't hunt you down for it either, honest! If you disapprove, please, tell us, so we can work towards fixing it!

    FEO September Approval Rating: 100% (0%)
    FEO June Approval Rating: 100%

    Strongly Approve: 28% (0%)
    Approve: 22% (+1%)
    Neutral: 50% (-1%)
    Disapprove: 0% (0%)
    Strongly Disapprove: 0% (0%)

    Looks like its been a slow three months, no issues.
    Three of Seven: It sure has been, not much to report, there have been some behind the scenes changes, but front of house, nothing that has needed intervention from FEO, which is usually a good sign!

    Petrarch: Always tends to be a quiet period over the summer months with people away on holidays and the like. The wheels do still turn and things will start picking up again.

    Jonathan: Indeed! Like others have said, we have made some smaller changes behind the scenes but other then that, its all quiet!

    I agree
    Three of Seven: Good, I'm glad you have volunteered to repaint the ship!

    Petrarch:I agree with your agreeing without my agreeing to anything!

    Jonathan: I agree

    Albeit some decisions are a tad slow to make.
    Three of Seven: Going to need to be more specific than that, I am not aware of any decisions that have taken an unusually lengthy amount of time, I'm sure it can happen, but if it does, please feel free to drop me a PM with specifics, or use the Feedback Form with the Anonymous? box ticked if you don't want us to know who you are!

    Petrarch: We sometimes have projects and tasks that are slow burners which are actioned and progressed over weeks rather than being sorted in an hour, but we generally get things done quickly enough once we're all aware of the situation. Sure, there may be times when there's disagreement over the best way to do something or how to do it in the first place, but as Three says, if you're referring to something specific, we'd need a bit more detail to answer your query more fully.

    Sammygm: I actually agree, but mainly about myself. I have started to notice that I'm taking a bit too long when it comes to decisions or actions. For example, this UFPAC recommendation period was an extremely short one thanks to me not opening up recommendations on time. Whilst everyone ends up doing them at the last possible moment, I still prefer to give people at least a months time. The decision about the future of Tactical has also been incredibly late, and when I finally came to the decision on what to do with Tactical, I have yet to officially announce it to the general member base, though Avenger and Marcus knows of it. Even me replying to this feedback took me a week.

    My only real excuse is that I've been distracted with games and IRL, but I'll try to action things on a timely manner more.

    Needs to put out more Pizza for members.
    Three of Seven: We are a community, not a takeaway.

    Petrarch: If you're buying, I'll never say no to a pizza. Unless you put pineapple on it. Ick.

    Jonathan: I like pizza

    They are doing a good job managing the community and dealing with problems.
    Three of Seven: Thank you, we do our best!

    Petrarch: Cheers!

    Jonathan: Many thanks!

    Jordan: Whoop!

    Always have approved it! I mean, it's all good Smile
    Three of Seven: Great to hear!

    Petrarch: Thank you!

    Jonathan: Ta!

    Jordan: Thanks!

    Other than this annoying infatuation with the color PINK.... it is a well-run division.
    Three of Seven: Nothing annoying about the colour pink, and as far as I am aware, I am the only FEO member who's favourite colour is pink, you can't judge us all by me alone! But thanks!

    Petrarch: Cheers! As to the colour thing, I favour more of a grey palette, especially gunmetal type colours, those look great on cars and starships alike.

    Jordan: I agree, once I was forced to make a pink theme - ugh!

    Have not been in UFP long enough to have an opinion on this yet.
    Three of Seven: Welcome to the UFP, hopefully you enjoy your time here!

    Petrarch: Welcome aboard! Pull up a chair and enjoy yourself!

    Jordan: Welcome! Hopefully your experience will be nothing but positive, if not just let us know.

    Three of Seven: Is this from a recent holiday you went on? Looks like you had a lot of fun!

    Petrarch: This reminds me of the golf carts from Fortnite, though the characters are quite tame by that game's standards.

    I only just joined, but you responded to my app really quickly so thank-you Smile
    Three of Seven: Great to hear! And welcome!

    Petrarch: Cheers and thank you!

    Jonathan: Welcome to the community!

    Jordan: Welcome aboard!

    I have no problems with the way FEO is run, they work well together.
    Three of Seven: I mean, it's mostly because they would rather work together than listen to me sing, it's a great way to keep people in line! Joking aside, thank you, we do our best!

    Petrarch: Appreciate the comment! And it could be worse, I could start singing instead of Three, but luckily for all involved, that's one of the things I just flatly refuse to do regardless of who asks.

    Jonathan: Thank you! I agree that we do work well together.

    Jordan: Sometimes I want to ki... smother my fellow colleagues with hugs?

    Website September Approval Rating: 100% (+1%)
    Website June Approval Rating: 99%

    Strongly Approve: 33% (0%)
    Approve: 19% (+2%)
    Neutral: 48% (-1%)
    Disapprove: 0% (-1%)
    Strongly Disapprove: 0% (0%)

    The only thing missing is a touch of pink.
    Three of Seven: I like this persons way of thinking!

    Yup, Jordan did a fantastic job, as always.
    Great layout is great.
    One of the best fan sites out there IMO!
    so far it has been easy to navigate
    I love the website, its well maintained and easy to use, kudos!
    Quality is good. Very Star Trek feeling, but unique to UFP. A HUGE thank you for not having tracking junk all over the place aside from Google Analytics. Navigation might still be a bit confusing to those new to the site. Content organization is still ... it can be cumbersome to find specific information quickly. I have trouble finding some of my own posts without drilling through what seems like more pages than I need to. I do not have any immediate ideas on how to organize things more effectively or concisely. Maybe I need to learn how to use the search better.
    Jordan: Thank you for all the compliments, its great to hear that the website is still serving its purpose well, but if anyone has improvements in mind just let me know!
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    Petrarch: If you're buying, I'll never say no to a pizza. Unless you put pineapple on it. Ick.
    Next survey is going to be slightly lower because of this comment. Tongue Out
    | Nemo Me Impune Lacessit | Art |Fan-Fics |
    Aceman67 Medals
  2. Fleet Admiral

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    Next survey is going to be slightly lower because of this comment. Tongue Out
    Pineapple on pizza is gross!
    • Commendation
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    Pineapple on pizza should be a crime.

    Once I was given a pizza with pineapple on it. I disliked the idea of it so much that I claimed to be allergic to it (I'm not, I've no allergies, food or otherwise) purely to avoid eating it and got an all meat replacement.
    Petrarch Medals
  3. Deputy Head of Administration

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    Pineapple on pizza should be a crime.
  4. Global Moderator

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    Pink is nice, I prefer PURPLE! though!


    I have a giant hooge purple blankie of DOOM! (as I call it), a friend made it for me and its so big i have to fold it in half to use on my queen size bed and it still hangs over all the edges.

    Now She's making me a giant hooge blankie!
    Heyallo Medals
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    Captain Canuck politely asks you stop besmerching a Canadian dinner Staple.

    Name:  simon-sim-pothier-cap-canuck-small.jpg
Views: 396
Size:  198.7 KB

    (you guys just haven't had it made properly, I could make you a Hawaiian Pizza to die for)
    | Nemo Me Impune Lacessit | Art |Fan-Fics |
    Aceman67 Medals
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    (you guys just haven't had it made properly, I could make you a Hawaiian Pizza to die for)
    I probably would die after eating pineapple on a pizza.
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    I probably would die after eating pineapple on a pizza.
    Wait, you guys don't like Hawaiian pizza? I like them! Tasty pineapples with some nice ham and cheese. hmmh Tongue Out
    Arlu3n Medals
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    Captain Canuck politely asks you stop besmerching a Canadian dinner Staple.
    What are you going to aboot it if we don't? Wink
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    Wait, you guys don't like Hawaiian pizza? I like them! Tasty pineapples with some nice ham and cheese. hmmh Tongue Out
    I love Hawaiian when I dont want something else 😎